Dashboard REST API

You can get data that's displayed on the dashboard graphs in JSON format with the Dashboard REST API.


This API uses basic authentication, using the API key and secret key for your project. Pass base64-encoded credentials in the request header like {api-key}:{secret-key}. api-key replaces username, and secret-key replaces the password.

Your authorization header should look something like this:

--header 'Authorization: Basic YWhhbWwsdG9uQGFwaWdlZS5jb206bClwYXNzdzByZAo'`

For more information, see Find your API Credentials


Region Endpoint
Standard server https://amplitude.com/api/2/
EU residency server https://analytics.eu.amplitude.com/api/2/


  • You may have to URL encode special characters in the names of event types, event properties, and user properties. For example, encode Play Song as Play%20Song. Use the W3Schools encoding reference for help.
  • Some examples in this article use backslash syntax to escape characters when using cURL. If you aren't using cURL, then don't encode your request with backslash escape characters.
  • The Dashboard REST API time zone is the same as your Amplitude project's time zone.

Rate limits

For each endpoint, there is a concurrent limit and a rate limit. The concurrent limit restricts the number of requests you can run at the same time. The rate limit restricts the total number of queries you can run per hour. Exceeding these limits returns a 429 error. These limits are per project, and the 429 error also includes information on how you are exceeding the limit.

Concurrent Limit: You can run up to 5 concurrent requests across all Amplitude REST API endpoints, including cohort download.

User activity/user search limits

You can run up to 360 queries per hour for user activity and user search endpoints. The User Activity and User Search endpoints have a different rate limit than all other request types.

Endpoint costs

Endpoints use cost per query model. Amplitude calculates cost based on this formula:

cost = (# of days) * (# of conditions) * (cost for the query type)

Here is how Amplitude determines each variable in the formula:

  • Number of days: This is the number of days in the query.
  • Number of conditions: This is the number of segments plus the number of conditions within the segments applied to the chart you are looking at. Each group by counts as 4 segments.

Different chart types have different costs. For all endpoints not listed here, the cost is 1. Here are the limits for these endpoints, measured in the cost per query:

  • Concurrent Limit: Up to 1000 cost at the same time.

  • Rate Limit: Up to 108,000 cost per hour.

  • Event Segmentation: Equal to the number of events you are looking at in the left module. If any event has a group by, add a cost of 4 per group by and event.

  • Funnel Analysis: The number of events you are looking at in the funnel multiplied by two. If any event has a group by, add a cost of 4 per group by and event.

  • Retention Analysis: The cost for this chart is 8.

  • User Sessions: The cost for this chart is 4.

Shared query parameters

These query parameters are shared across several Dashboard REST API endpoints.

  • For built-in Amplitude properties, valid values are version, country, city, region, DMA, language, platform, os, device, device_type, start_version, and paying.
  • For custom user properties, format the key as gp:name.
Parameter Description
e A full event with optional property filters or group by. Events are represented as JSON objects as described in event format.
s Segment definitions. Include as many as needed. Segments are represented as JSON arrays, where each element is a JSON object corresponding to a filter condition as described segment definition.
g The property to group by, for example platform. Available only when there is a single segment. Limit: two.

Event format

The event parameter can include these keys:

event_type Required. The event type.
For custom events, prefix the name with ce:. For example: "ce:name".
For '[Amplitude] Any Active Event', use _active.
For '[Amplitude] Any Event', use _all.
For '[Amplitude] Revenue', use revenue_amount.
For '[Amplitude] Revenue (Verified)', use verified_revenue.
For '[Amplitude] Revenue (Unverified)', use unverified_revenue.
filters Optional. A list of property filters. Each filter is a JSON object with the following keys:
subprop_type Required. Either "event" or "user", indicating that the property is either an event or user property, respectively.
subprop_key Required. The name of the property to filter on. Note: For non-Amplitude, custom user properties, prepend the user property name with gp:. gp: isn't needed for event properties.
subprop_op Required. The operator for filtering on specific property values, either is, is not, contains, does not contain, less, less or equal, greater, greater or equal, set is, or set is not.
subprop_value: Required. A list of values to filter the event property by.
group_by Optional. A list of properties to group by (at most 2). Each group by is a JSON object with these keys:
type Required. - Either "event" or "user", indicating that the property is either an event or user property, respectively.
value Required. - The name of the property to group by.

Event format example

"event_type": "CompletedProfile",
"filters": [
"subprop_type": "event",
"subprop_key": "EmailVerified",
"subprop_op": "is",
"subprop_value": [
"subprop_type": "user",
"subprop_key": "gp:SignUpDate",
"subprop_op": "is",
"subprop_value": [
"group_by": [
"type": "user",
"value": "platform"

Segment definition

Name Description
prop Required. The name of the property to filter on. For behavioral cohorts, the name of the property is "userdata_cohort".
Example ("XYXxxzz" is the identifier from the Behavioral Cohort's URL, https://analytics.amplitude.com/org_name/cohort/XYXxxzz.)
op Required. The operator for filtering on specific property values. Allowed values are is, is not, contains, does not contain, less, less or equal, greater, greater or equal, set is, or set is not.
values Required. A list of strings to filter the segment by. If you are segmenting by a cohort, the value is the cohort ID, found in URL of the cohort in the web app (for example, "5mjbq8w").

Segment definition example

"prop": "version",
"op": "contains",
"values": ["1.0", "2.0"]
"prop": "gp:gender",
"op": "is",
"values": ["female"]

Export data tables

You can use the Dashboard REST API to export data from data tables. Just query any Data Table chart type, and don't include start or end dates in the query.

Get results from an existing chart

Get JSON results from any saved chart via chart ID. GET https://amplitude.com/api/3/chart/chart_id/query

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/3/chart/:chart_id/query' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/3/chart/:chart_id/query HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Path variables

Name Description
chart_id Required. The chart's ID. Get the chart ID from the chart's URL in the web app. For example, 'abc123' in this URL: https://analytics.amplitude.com/demo/chart/abc123.


Responses vary based on the chart's type.

Get active and new user counts

Get the number of active or new users.

GET https://amplitude.com/api/2/users

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/users?start=STARTDATE&end=ENDDATE' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/users?start=20210101&end=20210901&m=active&i=30&g=city HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Get active users for a period, counted in an interval

Retrieves active users between January 1, 2021 and September 1, 2021.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/users?start=20210101&end=20210901&m=active'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/users?start=20210101&end=20210901&m=active HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get active users for a period, segmented by a property, counted in an interval

Retrieves active users in Amsterdam between January 1 2021 and September 1 2021, counted monthly.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/users?start=20210101&end=20210901&m=active&i=30&s=[{"prop":"city","op": "is","values": ["Amsterdam"]}]'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/users?start=20210101&end=20210901&m=active&i=30&s=[{"prop":"city","op": "is","values": ["Amsterdam"]}] HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Query parameters

Name Description
start Required. First date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example, "20221001".
end Required. Last date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example, "20221001".
m Optional. Either "new" or "active" to get the desired count. Defaults to "active".
i Optional. Either 1, 7, or 30 for daily, weekly, and monthly counts, respectively. Defaults to 1.
s Optional. Segment definitions. Defaults to none. Defined in Shared query parameters.
g Optional. The property to group by. Defaults to none. Defined in Shared query parameters


The response is a JSON object with this schema:

series An array with one element for each group, in the same order as "seriesMeta", where each element is itself an array that has the value of the metric on each of the days specified in xValues.
seriesMeta An array of labels with one for each segment.
xValues An array of (string) dates in the form "YYYY-MM-DD", one for each date in the specified range.
"data": {
"series": [
[46109, 47542],
[42845, 42626]
"seriesMeta": ["United States", "Canada"],
"xValues": ["2017-08-14", "2017-08-15"]

Get session length distribution

Get the number of sessions for each pre-defined length ("bucket") period during a specified date range.

GET https://amplitude.com/api/2/sessions/length

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/sessions/length?start=STARTDATE&end=ENDDATE'
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/sessions/length?start=20210426&end=20210905 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} # credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Get session length distribution with a custom bin for a period

Retrieves session length distribution from 0-10 minutes for the period between April 26 and September 5.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/sessions/length?start=20210426&end=20210905&timeHistogramConfigBinTimeUnit=minutes&timeHistogramConfigBinMin=0&timeHistogramConfigBinMax=10'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/sessions/length?start=20210426&end=20210905&timeHistogramConfigBinTimeUnit=minutes&timeHistogramConfigBinMin=0&timeHistogramConfigBinMax=10 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get session length distribution by hours with a custom bin size for period

Retrieves session length distribution with 0 - 10 hours with bucket size 2 for the period between April 26 and September 5.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/sessions/length?start=20210426&end=20210905&timeHistogramConfigBinTimeUnit=days&timeHistogramConfigBinMin=0&timeHistogramConfigBinMax=10&timeHistogramConfigBinSize=1'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/sessions/length?start=20210426&end=20210905&timeHistogramConfigBinTimeUnit=days&timeHistogramConfigBinMin=0&timeHistogramConfigBinMax=10&timeHistogramConfigBinSize=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Query parameters

Query parameters

start Required. First date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example,"20221001".
end Required. Last date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example,"20221001".
timeHistogramConfigBinTimeUnit Optional. Time unit for bucket sizes (see below for valid inputs).
timeHistogramConfigBinMin Optional. Minimum value for bucketing, as a number. For example, "0".
timeHistogramConfigBinMax Optional. Maximum value for bucketing, as a number. For example, "600".
timeHistogramConfigBinSize Optional. Size of each bucket, as a number. For example, "60".

timeHistogramConfigBin format

timeHistogramConfigBinTimeUnit is any of ['hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'].

To take advantage of custom binning, you must specify timeHistogramConfigBinMin, timeHistogramConfigBinMax, and timeHistogramConfigBinTimeUnit. When timeHistogramConfigBinSize isn't specified, Amplitude tries to find the best bin sizing. For example, if you have timeHistogramConfigBinMin=0, timeHistogramConfigBinMax=10, and timeHistogramConfigBinTimeUnit=minutes, there is no guarantee for the final number of bins or bin bounds. If timeHistogramConfigBinSize=1 is specified, then there are 10 bins, and each bin size equals a minute.

When combined timeHistogramConfigBin parameters are invalid or missing, Amplitude defaults to default bins that account for certain behaviors such as bounce rate. These bins are (in milliseconds): [0, 3000), [3000, 10,000), [10,000, 30,000), [30,000, 60,000), [60,000, 180,000), [180,000, 600,000), [600,000, 1,800,000), [1,800,000, 3,600,000), [3,600,000, 86,400,000).

Session lengths have a max length of 1 day (86,400,000 ms).


The response is a JSON object with this schema:

series An array with one element which is itself an array that includes the counts (number of sessions) for each of the buckets.
xValues An array of the (string) session length intervals (buckets) of the format [bucketStartInSeconds]s-[bucketEndInSeconds]s.
"data": {
"series": [
[0, 120408, 2261, 6984, 10778, 54529, 210614, 336605, 196235, 54148]
"xValues": ["0s-60s", "60s-120s", "120s-180s", "180s-240s", "240s-300s", "300s-360s", "360s-420s", "420s-480s", "480s-540s", "540s-600s"]

Get average session length

GET https://amplitude.com/api/2/sessions/average

Get the average session length (in seconds) for each day in the specified date range.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/sessions/average?start=20210601&end=20210630' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/sessions/average?start=20210601&end=20210630 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Query parameters

Query parameters

Name Description
start Required. First date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD (for example "20221001").
end Required. Last date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD (for example "20221004").


Returns a JSON object with this schema:

Attribute Description
series An array with one element which is itself an array that includes the average session length for each day.
seriesMeta An array of labels with one for each segment.
segmentIndex This represents the index of the segment, referring to its position in the right module of the chart control panel.
xValues An array of (string) dates formatted like "YYYY-MM-DD" with one for each in the specified date range.
"data": {
"series": [
[1204.0238276716443, 1197.4160169086904],
"seriesMeta": [
{"segmentIndex": 0}
"xValues": ["2017-08-14", "2017-08-15"]

Get average sessions per user

GET https://amplitude.com/api/2/sessions/peruser

Get the average number of sessions per user on each day in the specified date range.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/sessions/peruser?start=&end=' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/sessions/average?start=20210601&end=20210630
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key}

Query parameters

Name Description
start Required. First date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD (for example "20221001").
end Required. Last date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD (for example "20221004").


Returns a JSON object with this schema:

series An array with one element which is itself an array that includes the (float) average number of sessions per user for each day.
seriesMeta An array of labels with one for each segment.
segmentIndex This represents the index of the segment, referring to its position in the right module of the chart control panel
xValues An array of (string) dates formatted like "YYYY-MM-DD" with one for each in the specified date range
"data": {
"series": [
[3.624536794878406, 3.6232302614435854]
"seriesMeta": [
{"segmentIndex": 0}
"xValues": ["2017-08-14", "2017-08-15"]

User composition

Get the distribution of users across values of a user property in the specified date range.

GET https://amplitude.com/api/2/composition

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/composition?start=STARTDATE&end=ENDDATE&p=PROPERTY' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/composition?start=STARTDATE&end=ENDDATE&p=property HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} # credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Get user composition by property for a period of time

Retrieves user composition by platform between June 1 and June 30.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/composition?start=20210601&end=20210630&p=platform'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/composition?start=20210601&end=20210630&p=platform HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get user composition by custom property event for a period

Retrieves user composition by custom property event between June 1 and June 30.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/composition?start=20210601&end=20210630&p=gp:event'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/composition?start=20210601&end=20210630&p=gp:event HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Query parameters

Name Description
start Required. First date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example, "20221001".
end Required. Last date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example, "20221001".
p Required. The property to get the composition of. For built-in Amplitude properties, valid values are version, country, city, region, DMA, language, platform, os, device, start_version, and paying. For custom-defined user properties, format the key as gp:name.


Returns a JSON object with this schema:

series A one-element array which is the number of unique users who had the corresponding property value in the specified date range.
seriesLabels The field that displays what user property the chart is looking at.
xValues An array of values the chosen property can take on.
"data": {
"series": [
[69643, 47419, 38087, 19064]
"seriesLabels": ["version"],
"xValues": ["1.0", "(none)", "1.1", "0.2"]

Get events list

Get the list of events with the current week's totals, uniques, and % DAU (daily active users).

GET https://amplitude.com/api/2/events/list

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/events/list' \
-u '{api-key}:{secret-key}'

GET /api/2/events/list HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded


Returns a JSON object with this schema:

non_active If the event is marked inactive or not.
value Name of the event in the raw data.
totals The total number of times the event has happened this week.
deleted If the event is deleted or not.
flow_hidden If the event is hidden from Pathfinder/Pathfinder Users or not.
hidden If the event is hidden or not.
display The display name of the event.
"data": [
"non_active": false,
"value": "Add Content to Cart",
"totals": 1505645,
"deleted": false,
"flow_hidden": false,
"hidden": false,
"display": "Add Content to Cart"
"non_active": false,
"value": "Add Friends",
"totals": 193167,
"deleted": false,
"flow_hidden": false,
"hidden": false,
"display": "Add Friends"

Event segmentation

Get metrics for an event with segmentation.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/events/segmentation?e={"event_type":"YOUR%20EVENT"}&start=STARTDATE&end=DATE' \
-u '{api-key}:{secret-key}'

GET /api/2/events/segmentation?e={"event_type":"YOUR%20EVENT"}&start=STARTDATE&end=ENDDATE HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded


You may need to URL encode special characters in the names of event types, event properties, and user properties. For example, encode Play Song as Play%20Song.

Example: Get any active event for a period

Retrieves metrics for any active event between August 1 and August 31.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/events/segmentation?e={"event_type":"_active"}&start=20210801&end=20210831'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/events/segmentation?e={"event_type":"_active"}&start=20210801&end=20210831 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get two events for a period

Retrieves metrics for the "watch_tutorial" and "transaction" events between August 1 and August 31.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/events/segmentation?e={"event_type":"watch_tutorial"}&start=20210801&end=20210802&e2={"event_type":"transaction"}'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/events/segmentation?e={"event_type":"watch_tutorial"}&start=20210801&end=20210831&e2={"event_type":"transaction"} HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get a custom event for a period

Retrieves metrics for the "My Custom Event" event between August 1 and August 31.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/events/segmentation?e={"event_type":"ce:My%20Custom%20Event"}&start=20210801&end=20210831'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/events/segmentation?e={"event_type":"ce:My%20Custom%20Event"}&start=20210801&end=20210831 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get event totals for a period

Retrieves totals for the "watch_tutorial" event between August 1 and August 31.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/events/segmentation?e={"event_type":"watch_tutorial"}&start=20210801&end=20210831&m=totals'
GET /api/2/events/segmentation?e={"event_type":"watch_tutorial"}&start=20210801&end=20210831&m=totals HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get event Active % for a period

Retrieves daily active user (DAU) percentage for the "watch_tutorial" event between August 1 and August 31.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/events/segmentation?e={"event_type":"watch_tutorial"}&start=20210801&end=20210831&m=pct_dau'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/events/segmentation?e={"event_type":"watch_tutorial"}&start=20210801&end=20210831&m=pct_dau HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Query parameters

e Required. Include up to two. A full event. Full description. Note: Currently, the Dashboard REST API supports segmentation by up to two events. If you wish to query on a second event, the parameter would be "e2".
m Optional. Non-property metrics: uniques, totals, pct_dau, or average. Defaults to uniques. Property metrics: histogram, sums, or value_avg. To use property metrics, you must include a valid group by value in parameter e. For custom formulas: "formula" (Note: This metric only supports up to two events currently and the second event needs to have the parameter "e2").
n Optional. User type, either any or active.
start Required. First date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example, "20221001".
end Required. Last date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example, "20221001".
i Set to -300000, -3600000, 1, 7, or 30 for real-time, hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly counts, respectively. Defaults to 1. Real-time segmentation displays up to 2 days of data, hourly segmentation displays up to 7 days of data, and daily displays up to 365 days of data.
s Optional. Segment definitions (default: none). Full description.
g Optional. Include up to two. The property to group by. Defaults to none. Full description.
limit Optional. The number of Group By values returned (default: 100). The limit is 1000.
formula Optional, but required if m is set to formula. If you are using the custom formula metric, you need to pass in the formula here (for example, UNIQUES(A)/UNIQUES(B)).
rollingWindow Required to use a rolling window. To include a rolling window, pass in the number of days/weeks/months with which to compute a rolling window over.
rollingAverage Required to use a rolling average. To include a rolling average, pass in the number of days/weeks/months with which to compute a rolling average over.


series An array with one element for each group, in the same order as "seriesLabels", where each element is itself an array that includes the value of the metric on each of the days specified in "xValues".
seriesLabels An array of labels, one for each group.
seriesCollapsed An array with one element for each group, in the same order as "seriesLabels", where each element is the value of the bar chart visualization in Event Segmentation. This value is the total unique users over a certain time interval.
xValues An array of (string) dates in the form "YYYY-MM-DD", one for each date in the specified range.
"data": {
"series": [
[273333], [190351]
"seriesLabels": ["United States", "Germany"],
"seriesCollapsed": [
{"value": 273333}
{"value": 190351}
"xValues": ["2014-10-01", "2014-10-02"]

Funnel analysis

Get funnel drop-off and conversion rates.

GET https://amplitude.com/api/2/funnels

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"EVENT_1"}&e={"event_type":"EVENT_2"}&start=STARTDATE&end=ENDDATE'
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"EVENT"}&e={"event_type":"EVENT"}&e={"event_type":"EVENT"}&start=STARTDATE&end=ENDDATE HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Get event funnel for a series of events in a period, in any order with a specific conversion time

Retrieves Event funnel for "event_one" -> "event_two" -> "event_three" between August 1 to September 26 in ANY ORDER with 3 second conversion time.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"event_one"}&e={"event_type":"event_two"}&e={"event_type":"event_three"}&start=20210801&end=20210926&mode=unordered&cs=3&limit=100'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"event_one"}&e={"event_type":"event_two"}&e={"event_type":"event_three"}&start=20210801&end=20210926&mode=unordered&cs=3&limit=100 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get event funnel for a series of events in a period, in a specific order grouped by a property

Retrieves event funnel for "event_one" -> "event_two" between August 1 to September 26 in THIS ORDER for new users where city is none grouped by custom event property called 'event'.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"event_one"}&e={"event_type":"event_two"}&start=20210801&end=20210926&mode=unordered&n=new&s=[{"prop":"city","op": "is","values": ["(none)"]}]&g=gp:event'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"event_one"}&e={"event_type":"event_two"}&start=20210801&end=20210926&mode=unordered&n=new&s=[{"prop":"city","op": "is","values": ["(none)"]}]&g=gp:event HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get event funnel for a series of events in a period, in a specific order, filtered by property, grouped by property

Retrieve event funnel for "event_one" -> "event_two" between August 1 and September 26 in THIS ORDER for new users where city is none, grouped by library.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"event_one"}&e={"event_type":"event_two"}&start=20210801&end=20210926&mode=unordered&n=new&s=[{"prop":"city","op": "is","values": ["(none)"]}]&g=library'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"event_one"}&e={"event_type":"event_two"}&start=20210801&end=20210926&mode=unordered&n=new&s=[{"prop":"city","op": "is","values": ["(none)"]}]&g=library HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get event funnel for four events in a period

Get Event funnel for "event_one" -> "event_two" -> "event_three" -> "event_four" between August 1 and September 26 in ANY ORDER.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"event_one"}&e={"event_type":"event_two"}&e={"event_type":"event_three"}&e={"event_type":"event_four"}&start=20210801&end=20210926&mode=unordered'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"event_one"}&e={"event_type":"event_two"}&e={"event_type":"event_three"}&e={"event_type":"event_four"}&start=20210801&end=20210926&mode=unordered HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get event funnel for four events in a period, for new users, unordered

Get Event funnel for "event_one" -> "event_two" -> "event_three" -> "event_four" between August 1 and September 26 in ANY ORDER, for new users.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"event_one"}&e={"event_type":"event_two"}&e={"event_type":"event_three"}&e={"event_type":"event_four"}&start=20210801&end=20210926&mode=unordered'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"event_one"}&e={"event_type":"event_two"}&start=20210801&end=20210926&mode=unordered&n=new&e={"event_type":"event_four"} HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get event funnel for four events in a period, for new users, ordered

Get Event funnel for "event_one" -> "event_two" -> "event_three" -> "event_four" between August 1 and September 26 in THIS ORDER, for new users.

curl --location -g --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"event_one"}&e={"event_type":"event_two"}&e={"event_type":"event_three"}&e={"event_type":"event_four"}&start=20210801&end=20210926&mode=ordered'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/funnels?e={"event_type":"event_one"}&e={"event_type":"event_two"}&start=20210801&end=20210926&mode=ordered&n=new&e={"event_type":"event_four"} HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA==

Query parameters

Name Description
e Required. A full event for each step in the funnel. Full description
start Required. First date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example, 20221001.
end Required. Last date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example, 20221001.
mode Optional. What mode to run the funnel in: ordered for events in the given order, unordered for events in any order, and sequential for events in the given order with no other events between. Defaults to ordered.
n Optional. Either "new" or "active" to specify what set of users to consider in the funnel. Defaults to active.
i Set to -300000, -3600000, 1, 7, or 30 for real-time, hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly counts, respectively. Defaults to 1. Real-time segmentation displays up to 2 days of data, hourly segmentation displays up to 7 days of data, and daily displays up to 365 days of data.
s Optional. Segment definitions. Defaults to none. Full description.
g Optional. The property to group by. Defaults to none. Full description.
cs Optional. The conversion window in seconds. Defaults to 2,592,000 (30 days). Conversion windows are automatically rounded down to the nearest day in "unordered" mode.
limit Optional. The number of Group By values returned Defaults to 100. The maximum is 1000.


The response includes an array with one element per group. Each element has these fields:

meta An array of labels with one for each segment.

segmentIndex This represents the index of the segment, referring to its position in the right module of the chart control panel.
stepTransTimeDistribution The histogram data of each step for how long it took users to convert through that step
stepPrevStepCountDistribution The histogram data for each step for how many times users performed the previous step.
bins Data for one histogram bucket. start and end are the start/end of the histogram bin, the data in bin_dist is the users/count/propsum for that histogram bin.
dayMedianTransTimes Median transition times by day between steps.
series An array with one element for each group, where each element is itself an array that includes the median transition time between steps in milliseconds on each of the days specified in "xValues".

xValues: An array of (string) dates in the form "YYYY-MM-DD", one for each date in the specified range. formattedXValues: An array of (string) dates in the form of "Month DD", one for each date in the specified range.
dayAvgTransTimes Average transition times by day between steps.

series An array with one element for each group, where each element is itself an array that includes the average transition time between steps in milliseconds on each of the intervals specified in "xValues".
xValues An array of (string) dates in the form "YYYY-MM-DD", one for each date in the specified range.
formattedXValues An array of (string) dates in the form of "Month DD", one for each date in the specified range.
stepByStep An array with one element for each step of the funnel, indicating the fraction of users from the previous step who completed that step.
medianTransTimes An array with one element for each step of the funnel, indicating the median transition time between steps in milliseconds.
cumulative An array with one element for each step of the funnel, indicating the fraction of the total users who completed that step.
cumulativeRaw An array with one element for each step of the funnel, indicating the number of users who completed that step.
avgTransTimes An array with one element for each step of the funnel, indicating the average transition time between steps in milliseconds.
dayFunnels Represents the number of users who completed each step of the funnel by day.

series An array with one element for each group, where each element is itself an array that includes the number of users who have completed that step in the funnel on each of the intervals specified in "xValues."
xValues An array of (string) dates in the form of "YYYY-MM-DD", one for each date in the specified range.
formattedXValues An array of (string) dates in the form of "Month DD", one for each date in the specified range
events Labels for each event in the funnel
"data": [
"meta": {"segmentIndex": 0},
"dayMedianTransTimes": {
"series": [
[0, 165548, 264380], [0, 164767, 269444]
"xValues": ["2017-08-14", "2017-08-15"],
"formattedXValues": ["Aug 14", "Aug 15"]
"dayAvgTransTimes": {
"series": [
[0, 2294365, 5730478], [0, 2268879, 5700436]
"xValues": ["2017-08-14", "2017-08-15"],
"formattedXValues": ["Aug 14", "Aug 15"]
"stepByStep": [1.0, 0.9915120144246691, 0.9741139357951383],
"medianTransTimes": [0, 166444, 270194],
"cumulative": [1.0, 0.9915120144246691, 0.9658456707593803],
"cumulativeRaw": [163054, 161670, 157485],
"avgTransTimes": [0, 2175406, 5607243],
"dayFunnels": {
"series": [
[125259, 123716, 118636], [126964, 125373, 119986]
"xValues": ["2017-08-14", "2017-08-15"],
"formattedXValues": ["Aug 14", "Aug 15"]
"events": ["Search Song or Video", "Select Song or Video", "Play Song or Video"]

Retention analysis

Get user retention for specific starting and returning actions.

GET https://amplitude.com/api/2/retention

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/retention?se={"event_type":"STARTEVENT"}&re={"event_type":"RETURNEVENT"}&start=STARTDATE&end=ENDDATE' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/retention?se={"event_type":"_active"}&re={"event_type":"EVENT"}&start=STARTDATE&end=ENDDATE
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Get unbounded retention for active event with another event return for a period

Retrieves unbounded Retention for Any Active Event with "watch_tutorial" return between August 1 and August 31.

curl --location -g --request GET 'http://amplitude.com/api/2/retention?se={"event_type":"_active"}&re={"event_type":"watch_tutorial"}&start=20210801&end=20210831&rm=rolling'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/retention?se={"event_type":"_active"}&re={"event_type":"watch_tutorial"}&start=20210801&end=20210831&rm=rolling HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get weekly N-day retention for active event with another event return for a period

Retrieves weekly N-day retention for any active event with "watch_tutorial" return between July 26 and September 5.

curl --location -g --request GET 'http://amplitude.com/api/2/retention?se={"event_type":"_active"}&re={"event_type":"watch_tutorial"}&start=20210726&end=20210905&i=7'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/retention?se={"event_type":"_active"}&re={"event_type":"watch_tutorial"}&start=20210726&end=20210905&i=7 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=


Get monthly N-day retention for active event with another event return for a period

curl --location -g --request GET 'http://amplitude.com/api/2/retention?se={"event_type":"_active"}&re={"event_type":"watch_tutorial"}&start=20210726&end=20210905&i=30'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/retention?se={"event_type":"_active"}&re={"event_type":"watch_tutorial"}&start=20210726&end=20210905&i=30 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Query parameters

Parameter Description
se Required. Full event for the start action. Supports two event_type values: _new for new users, and _active for all users.
re Required. Full event for the returning action. Supports one event_type value: _all for all events and _active for all active events.
start Required. First date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example, "20221001".
end Required. Last date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example, "20221001".
rm Optional. The retention type: bracket, rolling, or n-day. Note that rolling implies unbounded retention. Defaults to n-day, no need to call it explicitly.
rb Optional, but required if rm is set to bracket. The days within each bracket, formatted [[0,4]]. For example, if your bracket was Day 0 - Day 4, the parameter value would be [[0,5]].
i Optional. Either 1, 7, or 30 for daily, weekly, and monthly counts, respectively. Defaults to 1.
s Optional. Segment definitions. Defaults to none. Full description.
g Optional. Limit: one. The property to group by. Defaults to none. Full description.


series A JSON object containing two keys.

dates - An array of formatted string dates, one for each date in the specified range (in descending order).
values - A JSON object with one key for each date, where each value is an array whose n-th element corresponds to the retention for n intervals (days, weeks, or months depending on i) out. This is by each interval.
count The number of users retained in that interval.
outof The total number of users in the cohort (users who performed the starting action on the date), respectively.
incomplete Whether users in that date have had enough time to be retained.
combined A JSON object where each value is an array whose n-th element corresponds to the retention for n intervals (days, weeks, or months depending on i) out. This object is the deduplicated aggregate of all date cohorts from the values JSON object.
seriesMeta An array of labels with one for each segment.
segmentIndex This represents the index of the segment, referring to its position in the right module of the chart control panel.
eventIndex This represents the index of the event, referring to which event if you have many return events selected in the left module.
"data": {
"series": [
"dates": ["Aug 15", "Aug 14"],
"values": {
"Aug 14": [
{"count": 12864, "outof": 12864, "incomplete": false}, {"count": 9061, "outof": 12864, "incomplete": false}, ..., {"count": 1561, "outof": 12864, "incomplete": true}
"Aug 15": [
{"count": 14720, "outof": 14720, "incomplete": false}, {"count": 10249, "outof": 14720, "incomplete": false}, ..., {"count": 1773, "outof": 14720, "incomplete": true}
"combined": [
{"count": 27584, "outof": 27584, "retainedSetId": null, "incomplete": false},
{"count": 19310, "outof": 27584, "retainedSetId": null, "incomplete": false},
{"count": 1561, "outof": 12864, "retainedSetId": null, "incomplete": true}
"seriesMeta": [
{"segmentIndex": 0, "eventIndex": 0}

User activity

Get a user summary and their most (or least) recent events. Exceeding the request limits results in 429 errors.

GET https://amplitude.com/api/2/useractivity

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/useractivity?user={amplitude_id}'
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/useractivity?user=247246881751 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Get events for user with ID 123

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/useractivity?user=123'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/useractivity?user=123 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Get most recent two events for user with ID 123

Limits are indexed from 0, so notice that the request has a limit of 1 to return the two most recent events.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/useractivity?user=123&limit=1' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/useractivity?user=123&limit=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Query parameters

Name Description
user Required. Amplitude ID of the user.
offset Optional. Zero-indexed (from most recent event) offset to start returning events from.
limit Optional. Number of events to return (up to 1000). Note that more events may be returned so that there are no partial sessions. Defaults to 1000.
direction Optional. "earliest" to include the user's earliest event or "latest" to includes the most recent. Defaults to "latest".


The response is a JSON object with this schema:

Attribute Description
events An array of JSON objects, one for each event performed by the user.
userData Total statistics about the user and their user properties.
"userData": {
"user_id": "myusername",
"canonical_amplitude_id": 12345,
"merged_amplitude_ids": [11111, 22222],
"num_events": 142,
"num_sessions": 23,
"usage_time": 2570259,
"first_used": "2015-03-14",
"last_used": "2015-04-22",
"purchases": 2,
"revenue": 9.98,
"platform": "iOS",
"os": "ios 8.2",
"version": "3.4.9",
"device": "Apple iPhone",
"device_type": "Apple iPhone 6",
"carrier": "AT&T",
"country": "United States",
"region": "California",
"city": "San Francisco",
"dma": "San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA",
"language": "English",
"start_version": "1.2.3",
"device_ids": ["some-device", "some-other-device"],
"last_location": {
"lat": 37.133,
"lng": -122.241
"properties": {
"gender": "female"
"events": [...]

Search for a user with a specified Amplitude ID, device ID, user ID, or user ID prefix. Exceeding the request limits results in 429 errors.

GET https://amplitude.com/api/2/usersearch

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/usersearch?user=USER_ID' \
-u '{api-key}:{secret-key}'

GET /api/2/usersearch?user=user_id HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Search for user by device ID

Search for user with the device ID 0786zXEdyOX1rS3M-P_m1d.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/usersearch?user=0786zXEdyOX1rS3M-P_m1d'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/usersearch?user=0786zXEdyOX1rS3M-P_m1d HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: Search for user by Amplitude ID

Search for the user with Amplitude ID 356893043036.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/usersearch?user=356893043036'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='=

GET /api/2/usersearch?user=356893043036 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Query parameters

Name Description
user Required. Amplitude ID, Device ID, User ID, or User ID prefix.


Attribute Description
matches An array of JSON objects, one for each matching user containing their Amplitude ID and User ID.
type Which match type (Amplitude ID, Device ID, User ID, User ID prefix) yielded the result.
"matches": [
"user_id": "myusername",
"amplitude_id": 12345
"type": "match_user_or_device_id"

If there are no matches, the response returns a 200 response with the following body:

"type": "nomatch",
"matches": []

Real-time active users

Get active user numbers with 5-minute granularity for the last two days.

GET https://amplitude.com/api/2/realtime

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/realtime' \
-u '{api-key}:{secret-key}'

GET /api/2/realtime?i=5 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded


Returns a JSON object with this schema:

xValues An array of (string) times in the form "HH:mm", one for each time interval in a day starting from the current time.
seriesLabels An array of two labels: "Today" and "Yesterday".
series An array with one element for each group, in the same order as "seriesLabels", where each element is itself an array that includes the value of the metric on each of the days specified in "xValues".
"data": {
"xValues": ["15:00", "15:05", "15:10", ... ],
"seriesLabels": ["Today", "Yesterday"],
"series": [
[123, 144, 101, ...],
[139, 111, 180, ...]

Revenue lifetime value

Get the lifetime value of new users.

GET https://amplitude.com/api/2/revenue/ltv

Learn more about the Revenue LTV chart.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/revenue/ltv?start=&end=' \
-u '{api-key}:{secret-key}'

GET /api/2/revenue/ltv?start=STARTDATE&end=ENDDATE HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: LTV aggregated weekly

Requests LTV between December 1 2021 and December 31 2021, aggregated weekly.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/revenue/ltv?start=20211201&end=20211231&i=7' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/revenue/ltv?start=20211201&end=20211231&i=7 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Example: LTV aggregated monthly for new paying users

This example pulls LTV for the year, counted monthly for new paying users.

curl --location --request GET 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/revenue/ltv?start=20211201&end=20221231&m=3&i=30' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/revenue/ltv?start=20211201&end=20221231&m=3&i=30 HTTP/1.1
Host: amplitude.com
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Query parameters

Parameter Description
m Optional. One of the following metrics: 0 = average revenue per user (ARPU), 1 = average realized revenue per user (ARPPU), 2 = Total Revenue, 3 = Paying Users. Defaults to 0.
start Required. First date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example, "20221001".
end Required. Last date included in data series, formatted YYYYMMDD. For example, "20221001".
i Optional. Either 1, 7, or 30 for daily, weekly, and monthly counts, respectively. Defaults to 1.
s Optional. Segment definitions. Defaults to none. Full description.
g Optional. Limit: one. The property to group by. Defaults to none. Full description.


Returns a response containing JSON objects with this schema:

seriesLabels An array of labels, one for each group.
series A JSON object containing two keys.
dates - An array of formatted string dates, one for each date in the specified range (in descending order).
values - A JSON object with one key for each date, where each value is a JSON object with keys r1d, r2d, ..., r90d for the n-day metric values, and the keys count, paid, and total_amount, which indicate the total number of users, number of paid users, and amount paid by the users for the group.
"data": {
"seriesLabels": [""],
"series": [
"dates": ["2021-10-04", "2021-10-03", "2021-10-02", "2021-10-01"],
"values": {
"2014-10-01": {
"r1d": 9.99,
"r2d": 19.98,
"r90d": 742.52,
"count": 110,
"paid": 37,
"total_amount": 781.39
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May 21st, 2024

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