Android SDK

This is the official documentation for the Amplitude Analytics Android SDK.


This is a maintenance SDK and will only receive bug fixes until deprecation. Upgrade to the Android Kotlin SDK which supports plugins, SDK integrations, and more.

Install the SDK


Amplitude recommends Android Studio as an IDE and Gradle to manage dependencies. Use version 2.x, version 3.35.1 is invalid.

  1. In the build.gradle file, add these dependencies. The SDK requires OkHTTP.

    1dependencies {
    2implementation 'com.amplitude:android-sdk:2.+'
    3implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.2.2'
  2. Sync project with Gradle files.

  3. To report events to Amplitude, add the INTERNET permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

  4. For Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) and higher, explicitly add permission to fetch the device advertising ID.

After you've installed the SDK and its dependencies, import Amplitude into any file that uses it.

1import com.amplitude.api.Amplitude;
2import com.amplitude.api.AmplitudeClient;
4Import any more files that are needed, use the SDK reference

Core functions

The following functions make up the core of the Amplitude Analytics Android SDK.

Initialize the SDK

You must initialize the SDK before you can instrument. The API key for your Amplitude project is required. Amplitude recommends adding this in onCreate(...) of your Activity class.

You can use the Android SDK anywhere after it's initialized in an Android application.

Accurate session tracking requires that you enable enableForegroundTracking(getApplication()). It's disabled by default.

1AmplitudeClient client = Amplitude.getInstance()
2 .initialize(getApplicationContext(), AMPLITUDE_API_KEY)
3 .enableForegroundTracking(getApplication());

1val client = Amplitude.getInstance()
2 .initialize(getApplicationContext(), AMPLITUDE_API_KEY)
3 .enableForegroundTracking(application)

Amplitude.getInstance(String name) can take a name that holds settings. This instance is now linked to the name and you can retrieve it somewhere else.

1AmplitudeClient client1 = Amplitude.getInstance("Andy_Client");
2AmplitudeClient client2 = Amplitude.getInstance("Bob_Client");
4//In the same file, or a different activity in the app
5AmplitudeClient sameClient = Amplitude.getInstance("Andy_Client");

1val client1 = Amplitude.getInstance("Andy_Client")
2val client2 = Amplitude.getInstance("Bob_Client")
4//In the same file, or a different activity in the app
5val sameClient = Amplitude.getInstance("Andy_Client")

Configuration options

Name Description Default Value
eventUploadPeriodMillis The amount of time SDK will attempt to upload the unsent events to the server or reach eventUploadThreshold threshold. 30000
eventUploadThreshold SDK will attempt to upload once unsent event count exceeds the event upload threshold or reach eventUploadPeriodMillis interval. 30
eventUploadMaxBatchSize The maximum number of events sent with each upload request. 50
eventMaxCount The maximum number of unsent events to keep on the device. 1000
identifyBatchIntervalMillis The amount of time SDK will attempt to batch intercepted identify events. 30000
flushEventsOnClose Flushing of unsent events on app close. true
optOut Opt the user out of tracking. false
trackingSessionEvents Automatic tracking of "Start Session" and "End Session" events that count toward event volume. false
sessionTimeoutMillis The amount of time for session timeout if disable foreground tracking. Foreground tracking is disabled by default. 1800000
minTimeBetweenSessionsMillis The amount of time for session timeout if enable foreground tracking by enableForegroundTracking() 300000
serverUrl The server url events upload to.
useDynamicConfig Find the best server url automatically based on users' geo location. false

EU data residency

Beginning with version 2.34.0, you can configure the server zone after initializing the client for sending data to Amplitude's EU servers. The SDK sends data based on the server zone if it's set.

The server zone configuration supports dynamic configuration as well.

For earlier versions, you need to configure the serverURL property after initializing the client.

1// For versions starting from 2.34.0
2// No need to call setServerUrl for sending data to Amplitude's EU servers
5// For earlier versions

Send basic events

Events represent how users interact with your application. For example, the event "button click" may be an action you want to track.

1client.logEvent("Button Clicked");

Send events with properties

Events can contain properties, which give more context about the event. For example, "hover time" may be a relevant event property for "button click."

1JSONObject eventProperties = new JSONObject();
2try {
3 eventProperties.put("Hover Time", 10).put("prop_2", "value_2");
4} catch (JSONException e) {
5 System.err.println("Invalid JSON");
6 e.printStackTrace();
8client.logEvent("Button Clicked", eventProperties);
9// Note: You will also need to add two JSONObject imports to the code.
10// import org.json.JSONException;
11// import org.json.JSONObject;

1val eventProperties = JSONObject()
2try {
3 eventProperties.put("Hover Time", 10).put("prop_2", "value_2")
4} catch (e: JSONException) {
5 System.err.println("Invalid JSON")
6 e.printStackTrace()
8client.logEvent("Button Clicked", eventProperties)

Flush events

Unset events are stored in a buffer and flushed (sent) on app close by default. Events are flushed based on which criteria is met first: eventUploadPeriodMillis or eventUploadThreshold.

You can disable flushing or configure the upload period of the event upload threshold.

Disable flushingChange upload periodChange default event buffer

1client.setFlushEventsOnClose(false); //Don't flush events

The default upload period is 30 seconds. Input is in milliseconds.

1Amplitude.getInstance(instanceName).setEventUploadPeriodMillis(100000); // Changes event upload period to 100 seconds

The default event buffer is 30. Input is an int.

1Amplitude.getInstance(instanceName).setEventUploadThreshold(4); // Changes event upload buffer to 4

To force the SDK to upload unsent events, the use the method uploadEvents.

Set user properties

Privacy and tracking

Don't track any user data that's against your privacy terms.

Identify is for setting the user properties of a particular user without sending any event.

The SDK supports these operations on individual user properties: setsetOnceunsetaddappendprependpreInsertpostInsert, and remove. Declare the operations via a provided Identify interface. You can chain together multiple operations in a single Identify object.

The Identify object is passed to the Amplitude client to send to the server. Starting from release v2.29.0, identify events with set operations would be batched and sent with fewer events. This change wouldn't affect running the set operations. There is a config identifyBatchIntervalMillis managing the intervalto flush the batched identify intercepts.


If the Identify call is sent after the event, the results of operations is visible immediately in the dashboard user's profile area, but it doesn't appear in chart result until another event is sent after the Identify call. The identify call only affects events going forward.

You can handle the identity of a user using the identify methods. Proper use of these methods can connect events to the correct user as they move across devices, browsers, and other platforms.

Send an identify call containing those user property operations to Amplitude server to tie a user's events with specific user properties.

1Identify identify = new Identify();
2identify.set("color", "green");

1val identify = Identify()
2identify["color"] = "green"


set sets the value of a user property. You can also chain together multiple identify calls.

1Identify identify = new Identify().set("color", "green");

1val identify = Identify().set("color", "green")

Set once

setOnce sets the value of a user property one time. Later calls using setOnce are ignored.

1Identify identify = new Identify().setOnce("color", "green");

1val identify = Identify().setOnce("color", "green")


add increments a user property by some numerical value. If the user property doesn't have a value set yet, it's initialized to 0 before being incremented.

1Identify identify = new Identify().set("number_of_clients", 10);
3identify.add("number_of_clients", 5); //15
4identify.add("annual_revenue", 100); //100

1val identify = Identify().set("number_of_clients", 10)
2identify.add("number_of_clients", 5) //15
3identify.add("annual_revenue", 100) //100

Set multiple user properties

logEvent() method allows you to set the user properties along with event logging. You can use setUserProperties as a shorthand to set multiple user properties at one time.

This method is a wrapper around Identify.set.

1JSONObject userProperties = new JSONObject();
2try {
3 userProperties.put("team", "red").put("favorite_food", "cabbage");
4} catch (JSONException e) {
5 e.printStackTrace();
6 System.err.println("Invalid JSON");
9client.logEvent("event name");

1val userProperties = JSONObject()
2try {
3 userProperties.put("team", "red").put("favorite_food", "cabbage")
4} catch (e: JSONException) {
5 e.printStackTrace()
6 System.err.println("Invalid JSON")
9client.logEvent("event name")

Arrays in user properties

You can use arrays as user properties. You can directly set arrays or use append to generate an array.

1JSONArray value1 = new JSONArray();
6Identify identify = new Identify();
7identify.set("array value", value1);

1val value1 = JSONArray()
6val identify = Identify()
7identify["array value"] = value1

  • append appends a value or values to a user property array.
  • prepend prepends a value or values to a user property.

If the user property doesn't have a value set yet, it's initialized to an empty list before the new values are added. If the user property has an existing value and it's not a list, it's converted into a list with the new value added.


append and prepend don't check for duplicates. See preInsert and postInsert for that.

1String property1 = "array value";
2JSONArray value1 = new JSONArray();
6Identify identify = new Identify();
7identify.append(property1, value1);
8identify.prepend("float value", 0.625f);

1val property1 = "array value"
2val value1 = JSONArray()
6val identify = Identify()
7identify.append(property1, value1)
8identify.prepend("float value", 0.625f)

  • preInsert inserts a value or values to the front of a user property array if it doesn't exist in the array yet.
  • postInsert inserts a value or values to the end of a user property array if it doesn't exist in the array yet.

If the user property doesn't exist, it's initialized to an empty list before the new values are pre-inserted. If the user property has an existing value, nothing is inserted.

1String property1 = "array value";
2double[] values = {1, 2, 4, 8};
3Identify identify = new Identify();
4identify.postInsert(property1, values);
6// identify should ignore this since duplicate key
7identify.postInsert(property1, 3.0);

1val property1 = "array value"
2val values = doubleArrayOf(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0)
3val identify = Identify()
4identify.postInsert(property1, values)
5identify.postInsert(property1, 3.0)

Clear user properties

clearUserProperties removes all the current user's user properties.

This action is irreversible

If you clear user properties, Amplitude can't sync the user's user property values from before the wipe to any future events.



unset unsets and removes a user property.

1Identify identify = new Identify().setOnce("favorite_food", "candy");

1val identify = Identify().setOnce("favorite_food", "candy")

Set user groups

Amplitude supports assigning users to groups and performing queries, such as Count by Distinct, on those groups. If at least one member of the group has performed the specific event, then the count includes the group.

For example, you want to group your users based on what organization they're in by using an 'orgId'. Joe is in 'orgId' '10', and Sue is in 'orgId' '15'. Sue and Joe both perform a certain event. You can query their organizations in the Event Segmentation Chart.

When setting groups, define a groupType and groupName. In the previous example, 'orgId' is the groupType and '10' and '15' are the values for groupName. Another example of a groupType could be 'sport' with groupName values like 'tennis' and 'baseball'.

Setting a group also sets the groupType:groupName as a user property, and overwrites any existing groupName value set for that user's groupType, and the corresponding user property value. groupType is a string, and groupName can be either a string or an array of strings to indicate that a user is in multiple groups.


If Joe is in 'orgId' '10' and '16', then the groupName would be '["10", "16"]'. Here is what your code might look like:

1Amplitude.getInstance().setGroup("orgID", new JSONArray().put("10").put("16")); // list values

You can also use logEvent to set event-level groups. This means that the group designation only applies for the specific event being logged and doesn't persist on the user unless you explicitly set it with setGroup:

1JSONObject eventProperties = new JSONObject().put("key", "value");
2JSONObject groups = new JSONObject().put("orgId", 10);
4Amplitude.getInstance().logEvent("initialize_game", eventProperties, groups);

Group identify

Use the Group Identify API to set or update the properties of particular groups. Keep these considerations in mind:

  • Updates affect only future events, and don't update historical events.
  • You can track up to 5 unique group types and 10 total groups.

The groupIdentify method accepts a group type string parameter and group name object parameter, and an Identify object that's applied to the group.

1String groupType = "plan";
2Object groupName = "enterprise";
4Identify identify = new Identify().set("key", "value");
5Amplitude.getInstance().groupIdentify(groupType, groupName, identify);

An optional outOfSession boolean input can be supplied as fourth argument to groupIdentify.

Track revenue

Amplitude can track revenue generated by a user. Revenue is tracked through distinct revenue objects, which have special fields used in Amplitude's Event Segmentation and Revenue LTV charts.

This lets Amplitude to automatically display data relevant to revenue in the platform.

To track revenue from a user, call logRevenueV2 each time a user generates revenue.

1Revenue revenue = new Revenue().setProductId("").setPrice(3.99).setQuantity(3);

1val revenue = Revenue().setProductId("").setPrice(3.99).setQuantity(3)

Revenue objects support the following special properties, as well as user-defined properties through the eventProperties field.

Name Description
productId Optional. String. An identifier for the product. Amplitude recommends something like the "Google Play Store product ID". Defaults to null.
quantity Required. Integer. The quantity of products purchased. Note: revenue = quantity * price. Defaults to 1.
price Required. Double. The price of the products purchased. This can be negative to track revenue lost, like refunds or costs. Note: revenue = quantity * price. Defaults to null.
revenueType Optional, but required for revenue verification. String. The revenue type. For example: tax, refund, income. Defaults to null.
receipt Optional. String. The revenue type. For example: tax, refund, income. Defaults to null
receiptSignature Optional, but required for revenue verification. The revenue type. For example: tax, refund, income. Defaults to null.
eventProperties Optional. JSONObject. An object of event properties to include in the revenue event. Defaults to null.


Amplitude doesn't support currency conversion. Normalize all revenue data to your currency of choice before being sent.

Revenue verification

The logRevenue method also supports revenue validation.

By default, revenue events recorded on the Android SDK appear in Amplitude as [Amplitude] Revenue (Unverified) events. To enable revenue verification, copy your Google Play License Public Key into the Sources & Destinations section of your project in Amplitude.

You must put in a key for every single project in Amplitude where you want revenue to be verified.

For more information, see the class specification for the Purchase class.

1// For AIDL (old deprecated library)
3Intent data = ...;
5String purchaseData = data.getStringExtra("PURCHASE_DATA");
6String dataSignature = data.getStringExtra("DATA_SIGNATURE");
8Revenue revenue = new Revenue().setProductId("").setQuantity(1);
9revenue.setPrice(3.99).setReceipt(purchaseData, dataSignature);

1//For Google Play Billing Library
2public class MyBillingImpl implements PurchasesUpdatedListener {
3 private BillingClient billingClient;
4 //...
6 public void initialize() {
7 billingClient = BillingClient.newBuilder(activity).setListener(this).build();
8 billingClient.startConnection(new BillingClientStateListener() {
9 @Override
10 public void onBillingSetupFinished(BillingResult billingResult) {
11 // Logic from ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected should be moved here.
12 }
14 @Override
15 public void onBillingServiceDisconnected() {
16 // Logic from ServiceConnection.onServiceDisconnected should be moved here.
17 }
18 });
19 }
21 @Override
22 public void onPurchasesUpdated(
23 @BillingResponse int responseCode, @Nullable List<Purchase> purchases) {
24 //Here is the important part.
25 for (Purchase purchase: purchases) {
26 Revenue revenue = new Revenue()
27 .setProductId("")
28 .setQuantity(1)
29 .setPrice(price);
30 revenue.setReceipt(purchase.getOriginalJson(), purchase.getSignature());
31 client.logRevenueV2(revenue);
32 }
33 }

1// For AIDL (old deprecated library)
3Intent data = ...
5val purchaseData: String = data.getStringExtra("PURCHASE_DATA")
6val dataSignature: String = data.getStringExtra("DATA_SIGNATURE")
8val revenue = Revenue().setProductId("").setQuantity(1)
9revenue.setPrice(3.99).setReceipt(purchaseData, dataSignature)

1class MyBillingImpl(private var billingClient: BillingClient) : PurchasesUpdatedListener {
3 init {
4 billingClient = BillingClient.newBuilder(activity).setListener(this).build()
5 billingClient.startConnection(object : BillingClientStateListener {
6 override fun onBillingSetupFinished(billingResult: BillingResult?) {
7 // Logic from ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected should be moved here.
8 }
10 override fun onBillingServiceDisconnected() {
11 // Logic from ServiceConnection.onServiceDisconnected should be moved here.
12 }
13 })
14 }
16 override fun onPurchasesUpdated(
17 billingResult: BillingResult?,
18 purchases: MutableList<Purchase>?
19 ) {
20 // Logic from onActivityResult should be moved here.
21 for (Purchase purchase: purchases) {
22 Revenue revenue = new Revenue()
23 .setProductId("")
24 .setQuantity(1)
25 .setPrice(price);
26 revenue.setReceipt(purchase.getOriginalJson(), purchase.getSignature());
27 client.logRevenueV2(revenue);
28 }
29 }

Amazon store revenue verification

For purchases on the Amazon store, you first need to set up Amazon as a data source in Amplitude.

  1. In Amplitude, navigate to the Data Sources page.
  2. Click I want to import data into Amplitude, then select Amazon.
  3. Paste your Amazon Developer Shared Secret in the box and save.

After a successful purchase, send the purchase token (For Amazon IAP 2.0 use receipt ID) as the receipt and the User ID as the receiptSignature:

1// for a purchase request onActivityResult
2String purchaseToken = purchaseResponse.getReceipt();
3String userId = getUserIdResponse.getUserId();
5Revenue revenue = new Revenue().setProductId("").setQuantity(1);
6revenue.setPrice(3.99).setReceipt(purchaseToken, userId);


Verify the configuration and payload are correct and check if there are any suspicious debug messages during debugging. If everything appears to be right, check the value of eventUploadThreshold or eventUploadPeriodMillis. Events are queued and sent in batches by default, which means they are not immediately dispatched to the server. Ensure that you have waited for the events to be sent to the server before checking for them in the charts.


Set the log level to debug to collect useful information during debugging.


Set the setLogCallback to collect any error messages from the SDK in a production environment.

User sessions

A session on Android is a period of time that a user has the app in the foreground.

Amplitude groups events together by session. Events that are logged within the same session have the same session_id. Sessions are handled automatically so you don't have to manually call startSession() or endSession().

You can adjust the time window for which sessions are extended.

1client.setMinTimeBetweenSessionsMillis(10000); //Must be a 'long'; 10 seconds

By default, '[Amplitude] Start Session' and '[Amplitude] End Session' events aren't sent. Even though these events aren't sent, sessions are still tracked by using session_id.

To enable those session events, add this line before initializing the SDK.


You can also log events as out-of-session. Out-of-session events have a session_id of -1 and aren't considered part of the current session, meaning they don't extend the current session.

This might be useful if you are logging events triggered by push notifications, for example. You can log events as out-of-session by setting the input parameter outOfSession to true when calling logEvent().

1JSONObject eventProperties = //...
3//This event is now out of session
4client.logEvent("event type", eventProperties, true);

You can also log identify events as out-of-session. This is useful if you are updating user properties in the background and don't want to start a new session. You can do this by setting the input parameter outOfSession to true when calling identify().

1Identify identify = new Identify().set("key", "value");
2Amplitude.getInstance().identify(identify, true);

You may also manually start a new session with its own ID.

1long sessionId = ...;

You can use the helper method getSessionId to get the value of the current sessionId.

1long sessionId = Amplitude.getInstance().getSessionId();


For Android API level 14 and higher, a new session is created when the app comes back into the foreground after being in the background for five or more minutes or when the last event was logged (whichever occurred last).

Otherwise, the background event logged is part of the current session.

You can define your own session expiration time by calling setMinTimeBetweenSessionsMillis(timeout), where the timeout input is in milliseconds.

For Android API level 13 and below, foreground tracking is not available so a new session is automatically started when an event is logged 30 minutes or more after the last logged event. If another event is logged within 30 minutes, it will extend the current session. Note that you can define your own session expiration time here as well by calling setSessionTimeoutMillis(timeout), where the timeout input is in milliseconds. Also note that enableForegroundTracking(getApplication) is still safe to call for Android API level 13 and below even though it's not available.

Set a custom user ID

If your app has its login system that you want to track users with, you can call setUserId at any time.


You can also add the User ID as an argument to the init call.

1client.initialize(this, "API_KEY", "USER_ID");

Don't assign users a user ID that could change, because each unique user ID is a unique user in Amplitude.

Log level

You can control the level of logs that print to the developer console.

  • 'INFO': Shows informative messages about events.
  • 'WARN': Shows error messages and warnings. This level logs issues that might be a problem and cause some oddities in the data. For example, this level would display a warning for properties with null values.
  • 'ERROR': Shows error messages only.
  • 'DISABLE': Suppresses all log messages.
  • 'DEBUG': Shows error messages, warnings, and informative messages that may be useful for debugging.

Set the log level by calling setLogLevel with the level you want.


Logged out and anonymous users

Amplitude merges user data, so any events associated with a known userId or deviceId are linked the existing user.

If a user logs out, Amplitude can merge that user's logged-out events to the user's record. You can change this behavior and log those events to an anonymous user instead.

To log events to an anonymous user:

  1. Set the userId to null.
  2. Generate a new deviceId.

Events coming from the current user or device appear as a new user in Amplitude. Note: If you do this, you can't see that the two users were using the same device.


Disable tracking

By default the Android SDK tracks several user properties such as carrier, city, country, ip_address, language, and platform. Use the provided TrackingOptions interface to customize and toggle individual fields.

To use the TrackingOptions interface, import the class.

1import com.amplitude.api.TrackingOptions;

Before initializing the SDK with your apiKey, create a TrackingOptions instance with your configuration and set it on the SDK instance.

1TrackingOptions options = new TrackingOptions().disableCity().disableIpAddress().disableLatLng();

Tracking for each field can be individually controlled, and has a corresponding method (for example, disableCountry, disableLanguage).

Method Description
disableAdid() Disable tracking of Google ADID
disableCarrier() Disable tracking of device's carrier
disableCity() Disable tracking of user's city
disableCountry() Disable tracking of user's country
disableDeviceBrand() Disable tracking of device brand
disableDeviceModel() Disable tracking of device model
disableDma() Disable tracking of user's designated market area (DMA).
disableIpAddress() Disable tracking of user's IP address
disableLanguage() Disable tracking of device's language
disableLatLng() Disable tracking of user's current latitude and longitude coordinates
disableOsName() Disable tracking of device's OS Name
disableOsVersion() Disable tracking of device's OS Version
disablePlatform() Disable tracking of device's platform
disableRegion() Disable tracking of user's region.
disableVersionName() Disable tracking of your app's version name


Using TrackingOptions only prevents default properties from being tracked on newly created projects, where data has not yet been sent. If you have a project with existing data that you want to stop collecting the default properties for, get help in the Amplitude Community. Disabling tracking doesn't delete any existing data in your project.


Amplitude determines the user's mobile carrier using Android's TelephonyManager getNetworkOperatorName(), which returns the current registered operator of the tower.

COPPA control

COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) restrictions on IDFA, IDFV, city, IP address and location tracking can all be enabled or disabled at one time. Apps that ask for information from children under 13 years of age must comply with COPPA.

1client.enableCoppaControl(); //Disables ADID, city, IP, and location tracking

Advertiser ID

The Android Advertising ID is a unique identifier provided by the Google Play store. As it's unique to every person and not just their devices, it's useful for mobile attribution. This is similar to the IDFA on iOS. Mobile attribution is the attribution of an installation of a mobile app to its original source (such as ad campaign, app store search). Users can choose to disable the Advertising ID, and apps targeted to children can't track at all.

Follow these steps to use Android Ad ID.

Google ad ID and tracking

As of April 1, 2022, Google allows users to opt out of Ad ID tracking. Ad ID may return null or error. You can use am alternative ID called App Set ID, which is unique to every app install on a device. Learn more.

  1. Add play-services-ads-identifier as a dependency.

    1dependencies {
    2implementation ''
  2. AD_MANAGER_APP Permission

    If you use Google Mobile Ads SDK version 17.0.0 or higher, you need to add AD_MANAGER_APP to AndroidManifest.xml.

  3. Add ProGuard exception

    Amplitude Android SDK uses Java Reflection to use classes in Google Play Services. For Amplitude SDKs to work in your Android application, add these exceptions to for the classes from play-services-ads.

  4. AD_ID Permission

    When apps update their target to Android 13 or above will need to declare a Google Play services normal permission in the manifest file as follows if you are trying to use the ADID as a deviceId:

    1<uses-permission android:name=""/>

Set advertising ID as device ID

After you set up the logic to fetch the advertising ID, you can use useAdvertisingIdForDeviceId to set it as the device ID.


App set ID

App set ID is a unique identifier for each app install on a device. App set ID is reset by the user manually when they uninstall the app, or after 13 months of not opening the app. Google designed this as a privacy-friendly alternative to Ad ID for users who want to opt out of stronger analytics.

To use App Set ID, follow these steps.

  1. Add play-services-appset as a dependency. For versions earlier than 2.35.3, use ''

    1dependencies {
    2implementation ''
  2. Set app set ID as Device ID.


Device ID lifecycle

The SDK initializes the device ID in the following order, with the device ID being set to the first valid value encountered:

  1. Device ID fetched from the SQLite database
  2. ADID if useAdvertisingIdForDeviceId is enabled and required module is installed. Learn more
  3. App Set ID with an S appended if useAppSetIdForDeviceId is enabled and required module is installed. Learn more
  4. A randomly generated UUID with an R appended

One user with multiple devices

A single user may have multiple devices, each having a different device ID. To ensure coherence, set the user ID consistently across all these devices. Even though the device IDs differ, Amplitude can still merge them into a single Amplitude ID, thus identifying them as a unique user.

Transfer to a new device

It's possible for multiple devices to have the same device ID when a user switches to a new device. When transitioning to a new device, users often transfer their applications along with other relevant data. The specific transferred content may vary depending on the application. In general, it includes databases and file directories associated with the app. However, the exact items included depend on the app's design and the choices made by the developers. If databases or file directories have been backed up from one device to another, the device ID stored within them may still be present. Consequently, if the SDK attempts to retrieve it during initialization, different devices might end up using the same device ID.

Get the device ID

You can use the helper method getDeviceId() to get the value of the current deviceId.

1String deviceId = client.getDeviceId();

1val deviceId = client.getDeviceId();

Custom device ID

You can assign a new device ID using setDeviceId(). When setting a custom device ID, make sure the value is sufficiently unique. Amplitude recommends using a UUID.


Location tracking

Amplitude converts the IP of a user event into a location (GeoIP lookup) by default. This information may be overridden by an app's own tracking solution or user data.

By default, Amplitude can use Android location service (if available) to add the specific coordinates (longitude and latitude) for the location from which an event is logged. Control this behavior by calling the enableLocationListening or disableLocationListening method after initializing.


Proguard obfuscation

If you use ProGuard obfuscation, add the following exception to the file: -keep class** { *; }

Opt users out of tracking

Users may wish to opt out of tracking entirely, which means Amplitude won't track any of their events or browsing history. setOptOut provides a way to fulfill a user's requests for privacy.

1client.setOptOut(true); //Disables all tracking of events for this user

Push notification events

Don't send push notification events client-side via the Android SDK. Because a user must open the app to initialize the Amplitude SDK to send the event, events aren't sent to Amplitude until the next time they open the app. This can cause data delays.

You can use mobile marketing automation partners or the HTTP API V2 to send push notification events to Amplitude.

Event explorer

To use Event Explorer, you need either deviceId or userId to look up live events. This SDK provides a way to view them while using a debug build.

First, add the following code into your AndroidManifest.xml.

2 android:name="com.amplitude.eventexplorer.EventExplorerInfoActivity"
3 android:exported="true"
4 android:screenOrientation="portrait"
5 />

Second, add the following code in your root activity's onCreate life cycle.

2public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
3 //...
4 client.showEventExplorer(this);
5 //...

Dynamic configuration

Android SDK lets you configure your apps to use dynamic configuration. This feature finds the best server URL automatically based on app users' location.

  • If you have your own proxy server and use setServerUrl API, leave dynamic configuration off.
  • If you have users in China Mainland, then Amplitude recommends using dynamic configuration.
  • By default, this feature returns server URL of Amplitude's US servers, if you need to send data to Amplitude's EU servers, use setServerZone to set it to EU zone.

To use, set setUseDynamicConfig to true.


SSL pinning

SSL Pinning is a technique used in the client side to avoid man-in-the-middle attack by validating the server certificates again after SSL handshaking. Only use SSL pinning if you have a specific reason to do so. Contact Support before you ship any products with SSL pinning enabled.

To use SSL Pinning in the Android SDK, use the class PinnedAmplitudeClient instead of AmplitudeClient to turn it on.

Set log callback

The Amplitude Android SDK allows the app to set a callback (version 2.32.2+). Create a class and set the callback to help with collecting any error messages from the SDK in a production environment.

1class SampleLogCallback implements AmplitudeLogCallback {
2 @Override
3 public void onError(String tag, String message) {
4 // handling of error message
5 }
7SampleLogCallback callback = new SampleLogCallback();

Offline mode

The Amplitude SDK supports offline usage through the setOffline(isOffline) method. By default, offline mode is disabled.

When offline mode is enabled, events are saved to a local storage but will not be sent to the Amplitude servers.

When offline mode is disabled, any pending events are sent to Amplitude's servers immediately.

To limit the necessary permissions required by the SDK, the SDK does not automatically detect network connectivity. Instead, you must manually call setOffline() to enable or disable offline mode.

1client.setOffline(true); // enables offline mode
2client.setOffline(false); // disables offline mode


Middleware lets you extend Amplitude by running a sequence of custom code on every event. This pattern is flexible and you can use it to support event enrichment, transformation, filtering, routing to third-party destinations, and more.

Each middleware is a simple interface with a run method:

1void run(MiddlewarePayload payload, MiddlewareNext next);

The payload contains the event and an optional extra that allows you to pass custom data to your own middleware implementations.

To invoke the next middleware in the queue, use the next function. You must call to continue the middleware chain. If a middleware doesn't call next, then the event processing stop executing after the current middleware completes.

Add middleware to Amplitude via client.addEventMiddleware. You can add as many middleware as you like. Each middleware runs in the order in which it's added.

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September 17th, 2024

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