Sync your Amplitude data to Google Drive and Sheets

This article helps you:

  • Export chart data to Google Sheets and chart images to Google Slides

Sometimes you need to share refreshable chart data with team members, or sync chart images into presentations. Amplitude's Sync to Drive and Sheets extension (downloadable from Google Workspace Marketplace) lets you easily export your chart data to Google Sheets and your chart images to Google Slides. 

Sync your Amplitude data to Google Sheets

After you download the extension, follow these steps to sync your chart data with Google Sheets:

  1. From within a Google spreadsheet, navigate to Extensions > Amplitude Sync to Drive and Sheets. Then click Start Exporting Amplitude Data.

  2. In the modal that appears, click Sign in with Google.


Use the same email to sign into Google Sheets that you use to log in to your Amplitude account. If the emails don't match, you won’t be able to export data from your organization.

  1. Next, allow Amplitude access to your Google account.

  2. Choose your organization. Hover over the desired chart's name and click Add to export its data. You can select multiple charts for the same export.

  3. A tab in your Google spreadsheet populates with the selected chart's data; this tab is titled Amplitude [DO NOT EDIT].

  4. As desired, use Manage to refresh or delete selected charts from the sheet. Click the refresh icon to refresh and the delete icon to delete.


Export to Sheets uses Amplitude's Dashboard REST API to generate results, so ensure your charts abide by the same limits.

Sync your Amplitude data to Google Slides

After you download the extension, follow these steps to sync your chart images with Google Slides:

  1. From within a Google Slides presentation, navigate to Extensions > Amplitude Sync to Drive and Sheets. Then click *Start Exporting Amplitude Data.
  2. As with steps 2 and 3 in the previous section, Amplitude prompts you to sign into Google in the modal that appears. You should then allow Amplitude access to your Google account when prompted.
  3. Next, choose your organization. Hover over the desired chart's name and click Add to export its data. You can select multiple charts for the same export.

At this point, your presentation populates with chart images, one per slide, depending on how many charts you chose for export.


Charts with a lot of data might take longer to export.

  1. As desired, use Manage to refresh or delete selected charts from the sheet. Click the refresh icon to refresh and the delete icon to delete.

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June 6th, 2024

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