Marketing Analytics SDK

The Marketing Analytics Browser SDK extends the Browser SDK to identify users and events based on marketing channels. This library is open-source. Check it out on GitHub.


This is a maintenance SDK and will only receive bug fixes until deprecation. An improved version of Amplitude Browser SDK is now available. Amplitude Browser SDK 2.0 features default event tracking, improved marketing attribution tracking, simplified interface and a lighter weight package. Amplitude recommends the Browser SDK 2.0 for both product analytics and marketing analytics use cases. Upgrade to the latest Browser SDK 2.0.

Install the SDK

To get started with using Marketing Analytics Browser SDK, install the package in your project with npm or script loader.

Install the Node package

1npm install @amplitude/marketing-analytics-browser

1yarn add @amplitude/marketing-analytics-browser

Install with the script loader

This package is also distributed through a CDN. Copy and paste this script in your HTML file.

1<script type="text/javascript">
2!function(){"use strict";!function(e,t){var r=e.amplitude||{_q:[],_iq:[]};if(r.invoked)e.console&&console.error&&console.error("Amplitude snippet has been loaded.");else{var n=function(e,t){e.prototype[t]=function(){return this._q.push({name:t,,0)}),this}},s=function(e,t,r){return function(n){e._q.push({name:t,,0),resolve:n})}},o=function(e,t,r){e[t]=function(){if(r)return{promise:new Promise(s(e,t,}}},i=function(e){for(var t=0;t<m.length;t++)o(e,m[t],!1);for(var r=0;r<y.length;r++)o(e,y[r],!0)};r.invoked=!0;var a=t.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript",a.integrity="sha384-PPfHw98myKtJkA9OdPBMQ6n8yvUaYk0EyUQccFSIQGmB05K6aAMZwvv8z50a5hT2",a.crossOrigin="anonymous",a.async=!0,a.src="",a.onload=function(){e.amplitude.runQueuedFunctions||console.log("[Amplitude] Error: could not load SDK")};var c=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];c.parentNode.insertBefore(a,c);for(var u=function(){return this._q=[],this},p=["add","append","clearAll","prepend","set","setOnce","unset","preInsert","postInsert","remove","getUserProperties"],l=0;l<p.length;l++)n(u,p[l]);r.Identify=u;for(var d=function(){return this._q=[],this},v=["getEventProperties","setProductId","setQuantity","setPrice","setRevenue","setRevenueType","setEventProperties"],f=0;f<v.length;f++)n(d,v[f]);r.Revenue=d;var m=["getDeviceId","setDeviceId","getSessionId","setSessionId","getUserId","setUserId","setOptOut","setTransport","reset"],y=["init","add","remove","track","logEvent","identify","groupIdentify","setGroup","revenue","flush"];i(r),r.createInstance=function(){var e=r._iq.push({_q:[]})-1;return i(r._iq[e]),r._iq[e]},e.amplitude=r}}(window,document)}();


Configuration options

Name Description Default Value
instanceName string. The instance name. $default_instance
flushIntervalMillis number. Sets the interval of uploading events to Amplitude in milliseconds. 1,000 (1 second)
flushQueueSize number. Sets the maximum number of events that are batched in a single upload attempt. 30 events
flushMaxRetries number. Sets the maximum number of retries for failed upload attempts. This is only applicable to retryable errors. 5 times.
logLevel LogLevel.None or LogLevel.Error or LogLevel.Warn or LogLevel.Verbose or LogLevel.Debug. Sets the log level. LogLevel.Warn
loggerProvider Logger. Sets a custom loggerProvider class from the Logger to emit log messages to desired destination. Amplitude Logger
minIdLength number. Sets the minimum length for the value of userId and deviceId properties. 5
optOut boolean. Sets permission to track events. Setting a value of true prevents Amplitude from tracking and uploading events. false
serverUrl string. Sets the URL where events are upload to.
serverZone EU or US. Sets the Amplitude server zone. Set this to EU for Amplitude projects created in EU data center. US
useBatch boolean. Sets whether to upload events to Batch API instead of the default HTTP V2 API or not. false
appVersion string. Sets an app version for events tracked. This can be the version of your application. For example: "1.0.0" undefined
deviceId string. Sets an identifier for the device running your application. UUID()
cookieExpiration number. Sets expiration of cookies created in days. 365 days
cookieSameSite string. Sets SameSite property of cookies created. Lax
cookieSecure boolean. Sets Secure property of cookies created. false
cookieStorage Storage<UserSession>. Sets a custom implementation of Storage<UserSession> to persist user identity. MemoryStorage<UserSession>
cookieUpgrade boolean. Sets upgrading from cookies created by maintenance Browser SDK. If true, new Browser SDK deletes cookies created by maintenance Browser SDK. If false, Browser SDK keeps cookies created by maintenance Browser SDK. true
disableCookies boolean. Sets permission to use cookies. If value is true, localStorage API is used to persist user identity. The cookies is enable by default.
domain string. Sets the domain property of cookies created. undefined
partnerId string. Sets partner ID. Amplitude requires the customer who built an event ingestion integration to add the partner identifier to partner_id. undefined
sessionTimeout number. Sets the period of inactivity from the last tracked event before a session expires in milliseconds. 1,800,000 milliseconds (30 minutes)
userId number. Sets an identifier for the user being tracked. Must have a minimum length of 5 characters unless overridden with the minIdLength option. undefined
trackingOptions TrackingOptions. Configures tracking of additional properties. See the Optional tracking section for more information. Enable all tracking options by default.
storageProvider Storage<Event[]>. Implements a custom storageProvider class from Storage. LocalStorage

The Marketing Analytics SDK supports the following options to configure web attribution and page view tracking.

Name Description Default Value
attribution.disabled boolean. Whether disable the attribution tracking. false
attribution.excludeReferrers string[]. Exclude the attribution tracking for the provided referrers string Including all referrers by default.
attribution.initialEmptyValue string. Customize the initial empty value for attribution related user properties to any string value. EMPTY
attribution.resetSessionOnNewCampaign boolean. Whether reset the sessionId on a new campaign. SDK won't create a new session for new campaign by default.
pageViewTracking.trackOn attribution or () => boolean. attribution - Fire a page view event attribution information changes. undefined - Fire a page view event on page load or on history changes for single page application, default behavior. () => boolean - Fire a page view events based on a trackOn functions undefined
pageViewTracking.trackHistoryChanges pathOnly or all or undefined. Use this option to subscribe to page view changes in a single page application like React.js. pathOnly - Compare the path only changes for page view tracking. all- Compare the full url changes for page view tracking. undefined - Default behavior. Page view changes in single page applications does not trigger a page view event. undefined

Configure batching behavior

To support high-performance environments, the SDK sends events in batches. Every event logged by the track method is queued in memory. Events are flushed in batches in background. You can customize batch behavior with flushQueueSize and flushIntervalMillis. By default, the serverUrl will be For customers who want to send large batches of data at a time, set useBatch to true to set setServerUrl to batch event upload API Both the regular mode and the batch mode use the same events upload threshold and flush time intervals.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 // Events queued in memory will flush when number of events exceed upload threshold
3 // Default value is 30
4 flushQueueSize: 50,
5 // Events queue will flush every certain milliseconds based on setting
6 // Default value is 10000 milliseconds
7 flushIntervalMillis: 20000,
8 // Using batch mode with batch API endpoint, ``
9 useBatch: true

EU data residency

You can configure the server zone when you initialize the client for sending data to Amplitude's EU servers. The SDK sends data based on the server zone if it's set.


For EU data residency, the project must be set up inside Amplitude EU. You must initialize the SDK with the API key from Amplitude EU.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 serverZone: 'EU',

Marketing attribution

Amplitude tracks marketing attribution to identify your user's traffic source using the UTM, referrer and click ID parameters.

UTM parameters

UTM (Urchin Traffic Monitor) parameters are useful for analyzing the effectiveness of different ad campaigns and referring sites. UTM parameters are case-sensitive, so they're treated as different values when the capitalization varies.

There are five different standard UTM parameters:

Name Description
utm_source This identifies which website sent the traffic (for example, Google, Facebook)
utm_medium This identifies a specific campaign used (for example, "summer_sale")
utm_campaign This identifies a specific campaign used (for example, "summer_sale")
utm_term This identifies paid search terms used (for example, product+analytics)
utm_content This identifies what brought the user to the site and is commonly used for A/B testing (for example, "banner-link", "text-link")

Here is an example URL with UTM parameters:

Referrer parameters

Referrer is the URL of the page that linked to the destination page. Amplitude tracks the following parameters:

Name Description
referrer The last page the user was on (for example,
referring_domain The domain that the user was last on (for example,

Referrer is an empty string ('') if the user navigated to the destination page directly.

Click ID parameters

Click IDs are campaign identifiers included as URL query parameters. Ad platforms use these IDs to identify the campaign and other attributes. While Amplitude doesn't have access to further campaign attributes associated to Click IDs, Amplitude can track Click ID values specified in the following table.

Name Description
dclid Google Click Identifier from URL parameters
fbclid Facebook Click Identifier from URL parameters
gbraid Google campaign manager Click Identifier
gclid Google Click Identifier for iOS device from Web to App
ko_click_id Google Click Identifier for iOS device from App to Web
li_fat_id Kochava Click Identifier from URL parameters
msclkid Microsoft Click Identifier
rtd_cid TikTok Click Identifier
ttclid Twitter Click Identifier from URL parameter
twclid Linkedin Click identifier
wbraid Reddit campaign tracking/attribution Click identifier

First-touch attribution

Amplitude captures the initial attribution data at the start of the first session. The first-touch attribution values are set when a user's attribution data are seen for the first time. The following user properties are set one time:

  • initial_utm_source
  • initial_utm_medium
  • initial_utm_campaign
  • initial_utm_term
  • initial_utm_content
  • initial_referrer
  • initial_referring_domain
  • initial_gclid
  • initial_fbclid
  • initial_dclid
  • initial_gbraid
  • initial_ko_click_id
  • initial_msclkid
  • initial_ttclid
  • initial_twclid
  • initial_wbraid
  • initial_li_fat_id
  • initial_rdt_cid

Multi-touch attribution

Amplitude captures the attribution data at the start of each session, and sets those values as user properties. For organic or direct traffic, these properties may not be available. Therefore, these user properties are unset from user identity.

For every new campaign (when new attribution data is seen), Amplitude captures the changes regardless of the state of the user session. You can configure resetSessionOnNewCampaign to true to reset the session on every new campaign. The default behavior is to not reset the session on new campaign.

Amplitude tracks the following as user properties:

  • utm_source
  • utm_medium
  • utm_campaign
  • utm_term
  • utm_content
  • referrer
  • referring_domain
  • gclid
  • fbclid
  • dclid
  • gbraid
  • ko_click_id
  • msclkid
  • ttclid
  • twclid
  • wbraid
  • li_fat_id
  • rdt_cid

For users who initially visits a page directly or organically, by default, the initial value is set to "EMPTY". If you prefer a different initial value, set attribution.initialEmptyValue to any string value.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 attribution: {
3 initialEmptyValue: 'none',
4 }

Exclude the referrers from specific domain

You can configure Amplitude to opt out of collection of attribution data for a given list of referrers.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 attribution: {
3 excludeReferrers: [''],
4 }

Reset the session on a new campaign

You can configure Amplitude to start a new session if any campaign parameter changes. Do this by setting attribution.resetSessionOnNewCampaign to true. By default attribution.resetSessionOnNewCampaign is set to false.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 attribution: {
3 resetSessionOnNewCampaign: true,
4 }

Disable attribution tracking

You can configure Amplitude to opt out of automatic collection of attribution data. Do this by setting attribution.disabled to true. By default attribution.disabled is set to false.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 attribution: {
3 disabled: true,
4 }

Page view

Enable page view tracking by setting pageViewTracking to true. The page view event is fired when the page loads.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 pageViewTracking: true

You can set pageViewTracking to an object to pass more options.

Track the page view event when the attribution changed

Set the trackOn option to 'attribution' to send Page View events only when attribution information changes.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 pageViewTracking: {
3 trackOn: 'attribution',
4 }

Track the page view event based on specific criteria

trackOn can also be set to a function callback to fully customize when a Page View event is sent.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 pageViewTracking: {
3 trackOn: () => {
4 return window.location.pathname === '/landing_page'
5 },
6 }

Single page app page view tracking

If you have a single page app that uses a history based router such as react-router, you can enable trackHistoryChanges to send Page View events when users navigate between pages. Possible values for trackHistoryChanges:

Name Description
all All pushes and pops from history send a page view.
pathOnly Page Views are sent if the URL pathname changes. This prevents changes to the query string or hash from sending events.

You can set the trackHistoryChanges to pathOnly to only track the on path changes. By default, full page URL is considered into the page view changes.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 pageViewTracking: {
3 trackHistoryChanges: 'pathOnly' // or 'all'
4 }

The following information is tracked in the page view events.

Name Description Default Value
event_type string. The event type for page view event. Configurable through enrichment plugin. Page View.
event_properties.page_domain string. The page domain. location.hostname or ''.
event_properties.page_location string. The page location. location.href or ''.
event_properties.page_path string. The page path. location.path or ''.
event_properties.page_title string. The page title. document.title or ''.
event_properties.page_url string. The value of page url. location.href.split('?')[0] or ``.
event_properties.[CampaignParam] string. The value of UTMParameters ReferrerParameters ClickIdParameters if has any. Check here for the possible keys. Any undefined campaignParam or undefined.

Use the Marketing Analytics SDK with Ampli

You can use Ampli with this SDK by passing an instance of the Marketing Analytics SDK to ampli.load().

  1. Add the Marketing Analytics Browser SDK to your project.
  2. Create an instance of the SDK.
  3. Pass the instance into ampli.load()

This example passes the "amplitude" instance to ampli.load.

1amplitude.init(REACT_APP_AMPLITUDE_API_KEY, undefined, { ...DefaultConfiguration, logLevel: 3 });
3 client: {
4 instance: amplitude
5 }
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September 17th, 2024

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