iOS Swift SDK

This is the official documentation for the Amplitude Analytics iOS SDK.

Install the SDK

  1. Add the dependency to your Podfile:

    1pod 'AmplitudeSwift', '~> 1.0.0'
  2. Run pod install in the project directory.

  • Navigate to File > Swift Package Manager > Add Package Dependency. This opens a dialog that allows you to add a package dependency.

  • Enter the URL in the search bar.

  • Xcode will automatically resolve to the latest version. Or you can select a specific version.

  • Click the "Next" button to confirm the addition of the package as a dependency.

  • Build your project to make sure the package is properly integrated.

  • Add the following line to your Cartfile.

    1github "amplitude/Amplitude-Swift" ~> 1.0.0

    Check out the Carthage docs for more info.

    Initialize the SDK

    You must initialize the SDK before you can instrument. The API key for your Amplitude project is required.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(configuration: Configuration(

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:AMPLITUDE_API_KEY];
    2Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];

    Configure the SDK

    Configuration options

    Name Description Default Value
    apiKey The apiKey of your project. nil
    instanceName The name of the instance. Instances with the same name will share storage and identity. For isolated storage and identity use a unique instanceName for each instance. "default_instance"
    storageProvider Implements a custom storageProvider class from Storage. Not supported in Objective-C. PersistentStorage
    logLevel The log level enums: LogLevelEnum.OFF, LogLevelEnum.ERROR, LogLevelEnum.WARN, LogLevelEnum.LOG, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG LogLevelEnum.WARN
    loggerProvider Implements a custom loggerProvider class from the Logger, and pass it in the configuration during the initialization to help with collecting any error messages from the SDK in a production environment. ConsoleLogger
    flushIntervalMillis The amount of time SDK will attempt to upload the unsent events to the server or reach flushQueueSize threshold. 30000
    flushQueueSize SDK will attempt to upload once unsent event count exceeds the event upload threshold or reach flushIntervalMillis interval. 30
    flushMaxRetries Maximum retry times. 5
    minIdLength The minimum length for user id or device id. 5
    partnerId The partner id for partner integration. nil
    identifyBatchIntervalMillis The amount of time SDK will attempt to batch intercepted identify events. 30000
    flushEventsOnClose Flushing of unsent events on app close. true
    callback Callback function after event sent. nil
    optOut Opt the user out of tracking. false
    defaultTracking (Deprecated. Use autocapture instead.) Enable tracking of default events for sessions, app lifecycles, screen views, and deep links. DefaultTrackingOptions(sessions: true)
    autocapture Enable tracking of Autocapture events for sessions, app lifecycles, screen views, deep links, and element interactions. AutocaptureOptions.sessions
    minTimeBetweenSessionsMillis The amount of time for session timeout. 300000
    serverUrl The server url events upload to.
    serverZone The server zone to send to, will adjust server url based on this config. US
    useBatch Whether to use batch api. false
    trackingOptions Options to control the values tracked in SDK. enable
    enableCoppaControl Whether to enable COPPA control for tracking options. false
    migrateLegacyData Available in 0.4.7+. Whether to migrate maintenance SDK data (events, user/device ID). true
    offline Available in 1.2.0+. Whether the SDK is connected to network. Learn more here. false

    Track events

    Events represent how users interact with your application. For example, "Button Clicked" may be an action you want to note.

    1let event = BaseEvent(
    2 eventType: "Button Clicked",
    3 eventProperties: ["my event prop key": "my event prop value"]
    5amplitude.track(event: event)

    1AMPBaseEvent* event = [AMPBaseEvent initWithEventType:@"Button Clicked"
    2 eventProperties:@{@"my event prop key": @"my event prop value"}];
    4[amplitude track:event];

    Another way to instrument basic tracking event.

    2 eventType: "Button Clicked",
    3 eventProperties: ["my event prop key": "my event prop value"]

    1[amplitude track:@"Button Clicked" eventProperties:@{
    2 @"my event prop key": @"my event prop value"



    Starting from release v0.4.0, identify events with only set operations will be batched and sent with fewer events. This change won't affect running the set operations. There is a config identifyBatchIntervalMillis for managing the interval to flush the batched identify intercepts.

    Identify is for setting the user properties of a particular user without sending any event. The SDK supports the operations set, setOnce, unset, add, append, prepend, preInsert, postInsert, and remove on individual user properties. Declare the operations via a provided Identify interface. You can chain together multiple operations in a single Identify object. The Identify object is then passed to the Amplitude client to send to the server.


    If the Identify call is sent after the event, the results of operations will be visible immediately in the dashboard user's profile area, but it will not appear in chart result until another event is sent after the Identify call. The identify call only affects events going forward. More details here.

    You can handle the identity of a user using the identify methods. Proper use of these methods can connect events to the correct user as they move across devices, browsers, and other platforms. Send an identify call containing those user property operations to Amplitude server to tie a user's events with specific user properties.

    1let identify = Identify()
    2identify.set(property: "color", value: "green")
    3amplitude.identify(identify: identify)

    1AMPIdentify* identify = [AMPIdentify new];
    2[identify set:@"color" value:@"green"];
    3[amplitude identify:identify];


    Starting from release v1.8.0, the SDK is able to track more events without manual instrumentation. It can be configured to track the following events automatically:

    • Sessions
    • App lifecycles
    • Screen views
    • Element interactions

    Autocapture options

    Name Type Enabled by default Description
    sessions AutocaptureOptions Yes Enables session tracking. If the option is set, Amplitude tracks session start and session end events otherwise, Amplitude doesn't track session events. When this setting isn't set, Amplitude tracks sessionId only. See Track sessions for more information.
    appLifecycles AutocaptureOptions No Enables application lifecycle events tracking. If the option is set, Amplitude tracks application installed, application updated, application opened, and application backgrounded events. Event properties tracked include: [Amplitude] Version, [Amplitude] Build, [Amplitude] Previous Version, [Amplitude] Previous Build, [Amplitude] From Background. See Track application lifecycles for more information.
    screenViews AutocaptureOptions No Enables screen views tracking. If the option is set, Amplitude tracks screen viewed events. Event properties tracked include: [Amplitude] Screen Name. See Track screen views for more information.
    elementInteractions AutocaptureOptions No Enables element interaction tracking. If the option is set, Amplitude tracks user interactions with UIControl element and UIGestureRecognizer. Event properties tracked include: [Amplitude] Action, [Amplitude] Target View Class, [Amplitude] Target Text, [Amplitude] Action Method, [Amplitude] Gesture Recognizer, [Amplitude] Hierarchy, [Amplitude] Accessibility Identifier, [Amplitude] Accessibility Label, [Amplitude] Screen Name. See Track element interactions for more information.

    You can configure Amplitude to start tracking Autocapture events. Otherwise, you can omit the configuration to keep only session tracking enabled.

    The autocapture configuration accepts an OptionSet with AutocaptureOptions values.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(configuration: Configuration(
    2 apiKey: "API_KEY",
    3 autocapture: [.sessions, .appLifecycles, .screenViews]

    By default, if the autocapture configuration isn't explicitly set during Configuration initialization, configuration.autocapture will automatically include AutocaptureOptions.sessions.

    If you want to prevent automatic session events capture, set autocapture without the AutocaptureOptions.sessions option.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(configuration: Configuration(
    2 apiKey: "API_KEY",
    3 autocapture: .appLifecycles // or use `[]` to disable Autocapture.

    The autocapture configuration accepts an Array of AutocaptureOptions values.

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:@"API_KEY"];
    2configuration.autocapture = [[AMPAutocaptureOptions alloc] initWithOptionsToUnion:@[
    3 AMPAutocaptureOptions.sessions,
    4 AMPAutocaptureOptions.appLifecycles,
    5 AMPAutocaptureOptions.screenViews
    7Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];

    By default, if the autocapture configuration isn't explicitly set during Configuration initialization, configuration.autocapture will automatically include AutocaptureOptions.sessions.

    If you want to prevent automatic session events capture, set autocapture without the AutocaptureOptions.sessions option.

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:@"API_KEY"];
    2configuration.autocapture = [[AMPAutocaptureOptions alloc] initWithOptionsToUnion:@[AMPAutocaptureOptions.appLifecycles]]; // or use an empty array to disable Autocapture.
    3Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];

    Track sessions

    Amplitude enables session tracking by default. Include AutocaptureOptions.sessions in the autocapture configuration to explicitly configure the SDK to track session events or to enable session event tracking along with other Autocapture configurations.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(configuration: Configuration(
    2 apiKey: "API_KEY",
    3 autocapture: .sessions

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:@"API_KEY"];
    2configuration.autocapture = [[AMPAutocaptureOptions alloc] initWithOptionsToUnion:@[AMPAutocaptureOptions.sessions]];
    3Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];

    For more information about session tracking, see User sessions.


    trackingSessionEvents is deprecated and replaced with the AutocaptureOptions.sessions option of the autocapture configuration.

    Track application lifecycles

    You can enable Amplitude to start tracking application lifecycle events by including AutocaptureOptions.appLifecycles in the autocapture configuration.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(configuration: Configuration(
    2 apiKey: "API_KEY",
    3 autocapture: .appLifecycles

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:@"API_KEY"];
    2configuration.autocapture = [[AMPAutocaptureOptions alloc] initWithOptionsToUnion:@[AMPAutocaptureOptions.appLifecycles]];
    3Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];

    When you enable this setting, Amplitude tracks the following events:

    • [Amplitude] Application Installed, this event fires when a user opens the application for the first time right after installation, by observing the UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification notification underneath.
    • [Amplitude] Application Updated, this event fires when a user opens the application after updating the application, by observing the UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification notification underneath.
    • [Amplitude] Application Opened, this event fires when a user launches or foregrounds the application after the first open, by observing the UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification or UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification notification underneath.
    • [Amplitude] Application Backgrounded, this event fires when a user backgrounds the application, by observing the UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification notification underneath.

    Track screen views

    You can enable Amplitude to start tracking screen view events by including AutocaptureOptions.screenViews in the autocapture configuration.


    This feature is supported in UIKit. For SwiftUI, track the corresponding event manually.

    1// UIKit
    2let amplitude = Amplitude(configuration: Configuration(
    3 apiKey: "API_KEY",
    4 autocapture: .screenViews
    7// Swift UI
    8let amplitude = Amplitude(configuration: Configuration(
    9 apiKey: "API_KEY",
    10 autocapture: []
    12amplitude.track(ScreenViewedEvent(screenName: "Screen Name"))

    1// UIKit
    2AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:@"API_KEY"];
    3configuration.autocapture = [[AMPAutocaptureOptions alloc] initWithOptionsToUnion:@[AMPAutocaptureOptions.screenViews]];
    4Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:screenViews];
    6// Swift UI
    7configuration.autocapture = [[AMPAutocaptureOptions alloc] initWithOptionsToUnion:@[]];
    8[amplitude track:[AMPScreenViewedEvent initWithScreenName:@"Screen Name"]];

    When you enable this setting, Amplitude tracks the [Amplitude] Screen Viewed event and sets the screen name property of this event to the name of the top-most view controller's class. Amplitude reads this value from the controller class metadata viewDidAppear method swizzling.

    Deeplink tracking isn't automated. To track deeplinks, track the corresponding events.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(configuration: Configuration(
    2 apiKey: "API_KEY"
    5amplitude.track(DeepLinkOpenedEvent(url: URL()))
    6amplitude.track(DeepLinkOpenedEvent(url: "url", referrer:"referrer"))
    7amplitude.track(DeepLinkOpenedEvent(activity: activity))

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:@"API_KEY"];
    2Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];
    4[amplitude track:[AMPDeepLinkOpenedEvent initWithUrl:@"url"]];
    5[amplitude track:[AMPDeepLinkOpenedEvent initWithUrl:@"url" referrer:@"referrer"]];
    6[amplitude track:[AMPDeepLinkOpenedEvent initWithActivity:activity]];

    Amplitude tracks the [Amplitude] Deep Link Opened event with the URL and referrer information.

    Track element interactions

    Amplitude can track user interactions with UIControl elements and UIGestureRecognizer objects in UIKit applications. To enable this option, include AutocaptureOptions.elementInteractions in the autocapture configuration.


    The AutocaptureOptions.elementInteractions option is available as a beta release for early feedback. Try it out and share your thoughts on our GitHub.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(configuration: Configuration(
    2 apiKey: "API_KEY",
    3 autocapture: .elementInteractions

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:@"API_KEY"];
    2configuration.autocapture = [[AMPAutocaptureOptions alloc] initWithOptionsToUnion:@[AMPAutocaptureOptions.elementInteractions]];
    3Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];

    After enabling this setting, Amplitude will track the [Amplitude] Element Interacted event whenever a user interacts with an element in the application. The SDK swizzles the UIApplication.sendAction(_:to:from:for:) method and the UIGestureRecognizer.state property setter to instrument UIControl action methods and UIGestureRecognizer within the application, respectively.

    Event Properties Descriptions

    Event property Description
    [Amplitude] Action The action that triggered the event. Defaults to touch.
    [Amplitude] Target View Class The name of the target view class.
    [Amplitude] Target Text The title of the target UIControl element.
    [Amplitude] Target Accessibility Label The accessibility label of the target element.
    [Amplitude] Target Accessibility Identifier The accessibility identifier of the target element.
    [Amplitude] Action Method The name of the function or method that is triggered when the interaction occurs.
    [Amplitude] Gesture Recognizer The name of the UIGestureRecognizer class that recognizes the interaction.
    [Amplitude] Hierarchy A nested hierarchy of the target view's class inheritance, from the most specific to the most general.
    [Amplitude] Screen Name See Track screen views.


    Currently, Amplitude does not supports tracking user interactions with UI elements in SwiftUI.

    User groups

    Amplitude supports assigning users to groups and performing queries, such as Count by Distinct, on those groups. If at least one member of the group has performed the specific event, then the count includes the group.

    For example, you want to group your users based on what organization they're in by using an 'orgId'. Joe is in 'orgId' '10', and Sue is in 'orgId' '15'. Sue and Joe both perform a certain event. You can query their organizations in the Event Segmentation Chart.

    When setting groups, define a groupType and groupName. In the previous example, 'orgId' is the groupType and '10' and '15' are the values for groupName. Another example of a groupType could be 'sport' with groupName values like 'tennis' and 'baseball'.

    Setting a group also sets the groupType:groupName as a user property, and overwrites any existing groupName value set for that user's groupType, and the corresponding user property value. groupType is a string, and groupName can be either a string or an array of strings to indicate that a user is in multiple groups.


    If Joe is in 'orgId' '15', then the groupName would be '15'.

    1// set group with a single group name
    2amplitude.setGroup(groupType: "orgId", groupName: "15")

    1// set group with a single group name
    2[amplitude setGroup:@"orgId" groupName:@"15"];

    If Joe is in 'orgId' 'sport', then the groupName would be '["tennis", "soccer"]'.

    1// set group with multiple group names
    2amplitude.setGroup(groupType: "sport", groupName: ["tennis", "soccer"])

    1// set group with multiple group names
    2[amplitude setGroup:@"sport" groupNames:@[@"tennis", @"soccer"]];

    You can also set event-level groups by passing an Event Object with groups to track. With event-level groups, the group designation applies only to the specific event being logged, and doesn't persist on the user unless you explicitly set it with setGroup.

    2 event: BaseEvent(
    3 eventType: "event type",
    4 eventProperties: [
    5 "eventPropertyKey": "eventPropertyValue"
    6 ],
    7 groups: ["orgId": "15"]
    8 )

    1AMPBaseEvent* event = [AMPBaseEvent initWithEventType:@"event type"
    2 eventProperties:@{@"eventPropertyKey": @"eventPropertyValue"}];
    3[event.groups set:@"orgId" value:@"15"];
    4[amplitude track:event];

    Group identify

    Use the Group Identify API to set or update the properties of particular groups. Keep these considerations in mind:

    • Updates affect only future events, and don't update historical events.
    • You can track up to 5 unique group types and 10 total groups.

    The groupIdentify method accepts a group type string parameter and group name object parameter, and an Identify object that's applied to the group.

    1let groupType = "plan"
    2let groupName = "enterprise"
    3let identify = Identify().set(property: "key", value: "value")
    4amplitude.groupIdentify(groupType: groupType, groupName: groupProperty, identify: identify)

    1NSString* groupType = @"plan";
    2NSString* groupName = @"enterprise";
    3AMPIdentify* identify = [AMPIdentify new];
    4[identify set:@"key" value:@"value"];
    5[amplitude groupIdentify:groupType groupName:groupName identify:identify];

    Track revenue

    Amplitude can track revenue generated by a user. Revenue is tracked through distinct revenue objects, which have special fields that are used in Amplitude's Event Segmentation and Revenue LTV charts. This allows Amplitude to automatically display data relevant to revenue in the platform. Revenue objects support the following special properties, as well as user-defined properties through the eventProperties field.

    1let revenue = Revenue()
    2revenue.price = 3.99
    3revenue.quantity = 3
    4revenue.productId = ""
    5amplitude.revenue(revenue: revenue)

    1AMPRevenue* revenue = [AMPRevenue new];
    2revenue.price = 3.99;
    3revenue.quantity = 3;
    4revenue.productId = @"";
    5[amplitude revenue:revenue];

    Name Description
    productId Optional. String. An identifier for the product. Amplitude recommends something like the Google Play Store product ID. Defaults to null.
    quantity  Required. Integer. The quantity of products purchased. Note: revenue = quantity * price. Defaults to 1
    price  Required. Double. The price of the products purchased, and this can be negative. Note: revenue = quantity * price. Defaults to null.
    revenueType Optional, but required for revenue verification. String. The revenue type (for example, tax, refund, income). Defaults to null.
    receipt Optional. String. The receipt identifier of the revenue. For example, "123456". Defaults to null.
    receiptSignature Optional, but required for revenue verification. String. Defaults to null.

    Custom user ID

    If your app has its login system that you want to track users with, you can call setUserId at any time.

    1amplitude.setUserId(userId: "")

    1[amplitude setUserId:@""];

    Custom device ID

    You can assign a new device ID using deviceId. When setting a custom device ID, make sure the value is sufficiently unique. Amplitude recommends using a UUID.


    1[amplitude setDeviceId:[[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]];

    Custom storage

    Swift only

    This feature supports Swift, but not Objective C

    If you don't want to store the data in the Amplitude-defined location, you can customize your own storage by implementing the Storage protocol and setting the storageProvider in your configuration.

    Every iOS app gets a slice of storage just for itself, meaning that you can read and write your app's files there without worrying about colliding with other apps. By default, Amplitude uses this file storage and creates an "amplitude" prefixed folder inside the app "Documents" directory. However, if you need to expose the Documents folder in the native iOS "Files" app and don't want expose "amplitude" prefixed folder, you can customize your own storage provider to persist events on initialization.

    2 configuration: Configuration(
    3 apiKey: AMPLITUDE_API_KEY,
    4 storageProvider: YourOwnStorage() // YourOwnStorage() should implement Storage
    5 )

    Reset when the user logs out

    reset is a shortcut to anonymize users after they log out, by:

    • setting userId to null
    • setting deviceId to a new value based on current configuration

    With an empty userId and a completely new deviceId, the current user would appear as a brand new user in dashboard.


    1[amplitude reset];


    Plugins enable you to extend Amplitude SDK's behavior by, for example, modifying event properties (enrichment type) or sending to third-party APIs (destination type). A plugin is an object with methods setup() and execute().


    This method contains logic for preparing the plugin for use and has amplitude instance as a parameter. A typical use for this method, is to instantiate plugin dependencies. This method is called when the plugin is registered to the client via amplitude.add().


    This method contains the logic for processing events and has event instance as parameter. If used as enrichment type plugin, the expected return value is the modified/enriched event. If used as a destination type plugin, the expected return value is null. This method is called for each event, including Identify, GroupIdentify and Revenue events, that's instrumented using the client interface.

    Enrichment type plugin example

    Here's an example of a plugin that modifies each event that's instrumented by adding extra event property.

    1class EnrichmentPlugin: Plugin {
    2 let type: PluginType
    3 var amplitude: Amplitude?
    5 init() {
    6 self.type = PluginType.enrichment
    7 }
    9 func setup(amplitude: Amplitude) {
    10 self.amplitude = amplitude
    11 }
    13 func execute(event: BaseEvent?) -> BaseEvent? {
    14 event?.sessionId = -1
    15 if event?.eventProperties == nil {
    16 event?.eventProperties = [:]
    17 }
    18 event?.eventProperties?["event prop key"] = "event prop value"
    19 return event
    20 }
    23amplitude.add(plugin: EnrichmentPlugin())

    1[amplitude add:[AMPPlugin initWithType:AMPPluginTypeEnrichment
    2 execute:^AMPBaseEvent* _Nullable(AMPBaseEvent* _Nonnull event) {
    3 event.sessionId = -1;
    4 [event.eventProperties set:@"event prop key" value:@"event prop value"];
    5 return event;

    Destination type plugin example

    In destination plugins, you can overwrite the track(), identify(), groupIdentify(), revenue(), and flush() functions.

    Objective-C not supported

    Objective-C supports flush() and general execute() functions.

    1class TestDestinationPlugin: DestinationPlugin {
    2 override func track(event: BaseEvent) -> BaseEvent? {
    3 return event
    4 }
    6 override func identify(event: IdentifyEvent) -> IdentifyEvent? {
    7 return event
    8 }
    10 override func groupIdentify(event: GroupIdentifyEvent) -> GroupIdentifyEvent? {
    11 return event
    12 }
    14 override func revenue(event: RevenueEvent) -> RevenueEvent? {
    15 return event
    16 }
    18 override func flush() {
    19 }
    21 override func setup(amplitude: Amplitude) {
    22 self.amplitude = amplitude
    23 }
    25 override func execute(event: BaseEvent?) -> BaseEvent? {
    26 return event
    27 }

    1[amplitude add:[AMPPlugin initWithType:AMPPluginTypeDestination
    2 execute:^AMPBaseEvent* _Nullable(AMPBaseEvent* _Nonnull event) {
    3 if ([event.eventType isEqualToString:@"$identify"]) {
    4 // ...
    5 } else if ([event.eventType isEqualToString:@"$groupidentify"]) {
    6 // ...
    7 } else if ([event.eventType isEqualToString:@"revenue_amount"]) {
    8 // ...
    9 } else {
    10 // ...
    11 }
    12 return nil;
    13} flush:^() {
    14 // ...

    Troubleshooting and debugging

    Ensure that the configuration and payload are accurate and check for any unusual messages during the debugging process. If everything appears to be right, check the value of flushQueueSize or flushIntervalMillis. Events are queued and sent in batches by default, which means they are not immediately dispatched to the server. Ensure that you have waited for the events to be sent to the server before checking for them in the charts.


    • Set the log level to debug to collect useful information during debugging.
    • Customize loggerProvider class from the LoggerProvider and implement your own logic, such as logging error message in server in a production environment.


    Take advantage of a Destination Plugin to print out the configuration value and event payload before sending them to the server. You can set the logLevel to debug, copy the following TroubleShootingPlugin into your project, add the plugin into the Amplitude instance.

    SwiftUI TroubleShootingPlugin example.

    Event callback

    The event callback executes after the event is sent, for both successful and failed events. Use this method to monitor the event status and message. For more information, see configuration > callback.

    Advanced topics

    User sessions

    Amplitude starts a session when the app is brought into the foreground or when an event is tracked in the background. A session ends when the app remains in the background for more than the time set by setMinTimeBetweenSessionsMillis() without any event being tracked. Note that a session will continue for the entire time the app is in the foreground no matter whether session tracking is enabled by configuration.defaultTracking, configuration.autocapture or not.

    When the app enters the foreground, Amplitude tracks a session start, and starts a countdown based on setMinTimeBetweenSessionsMillis(). Amplitude extends the session and restarts the countdown any time it tracks a new event. If the countdown expires, Amplitude waits until the next event to track a session end event.

    Amplitude doesn't set user properties on session events by default. To add these properties, use identify() and setUserId(). Amplitude aggregates the user property state and associates the user with events based on device_id or user_id.

    Due to the way in which Amplitude manages sessions, there are scenarios where the SDK works expected but it may appear as if events are missing or session tracking is inaccurate:

    • If a user doesn't return to the app, Amplitude does not track a session end event to correspond with a session start event.
    • If you track an event in the background, it's possible that Amplitude perceives the session length to be longer than the user spends on the app in the foreground.
    • If you modify user properties between the last event and the session end event, the session end event reflects the updated user properties, which may differ from other properties associated with events in the same session. To address this, use an enrichment plugin to set event['$skip_user_properties_sync'] to true on the session end event, which prevents Amplitude from synchronizing properties for that specific event. See $skip_user_properties_sync in the Converter Configuration Reference article to learn more.

    Amplitude groups events together by session. Events that are logged within the same session have the same session_id. Sessions are handled automatically so you don't have to manually call startSession() or endSession().

    You can adjust the time window for which sessions are extended. The default session expiration time is five minutes.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(
    2 configuration: Configuration(
    3 apiKey: AMPLITUDE_API_KEY,
    4 minTimeBetweenSessionsMillis: 1000
    5 )

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:AMPLITUDE_API_KEY];
    2configuration.minTimeBetweenSessionsMillis = 1000;
    3Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];


    trackingSessionEvents is deprecated and replaced with the AutocaptureOptions.sessions option of autocapture.

    You can also track events as out-of-session. Out-of-session events have a sessionId of -1 and behave as follows:

    1. Aren't part of the current session.
    2. Don't extend the current session.
    3. Don't start a new session.
    4. Don't change the sessionId for subsequent events.

    A potential use case is for events tracked from push notifications, which are usually external to the customers app usage.

    Set the sessionId to -1 in EventOptions to mark an event as out-of-session when you call track(event, options) or identify(identify, options).

    1let outOfSessionOptions = EventOptions(sessionId: -1)
    4 event: Identify().set(property: "user-prop", value: true),
    5 options: outOfSessionOptions
    9 event: BaseEvent(eventType: "Button Clicked"),
    10 options: outOfSessionOptions

    1AMPEventOptions* outOfSessionOptions = [AMPEventOptions new];
    2outOfSessionOptions.sessionId = -1;
    4AMPIdentify* identify = [AMPIdentify new];
    5[identify set:@"user-prop" value:YES];
    6[amplitude identify:identify options:outOfSessionOptions];
    8AMPBaseEvent* event = [AMPBaseEvent initWithEventType:@"Button Clicked"];
    9[amplitude track:event options:outOfSessionOptions];

    Log level

    control the level of logs that print to the developer console.

    • 'OFF': Suppresses all log messages.
    • 'ERROR': Shows error messages only.
    • 'WARN': Shows error messages and warnings. This level logs issues that might be a problem and cause some oddities in the data. For example, this level would display a warning for properties with null values.
    • 'LOG': Shows informative messages about events.
    • 'DEBUG': Shows error messages, warnings, and informative messages that may be useful for debugging.

    Set the log level logLevel with the level you want.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(configuration: Configuration(
    2 apiKey: AMPLITUDE_API_KEY,
    3 logLevel: LogLevelEnum.LOG

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:AMPLITUDE_API_KEY];
    2configuration.logLevel = AMPLogLevelLOG;
    3Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];

    Amplitude merges user data, so any events associated with a known userId or deviceId are linked the existing user. If a user logs out, Amplitude can merge that user's logged-out events to the user's record. You can change this behavior and log those events to an anonymous user instead.

    To log events to an anonymous user:

    1. Set the userId to null.
    2. Generate a new deviceId.

    Events coming from the current user or device appear as a new user in Amplitude. Note: If you do this, you can't see that the two users were using the same device.


    1[amplitude reset];

    Disable tracking

    By default the iOS SDK tracks several user properties such as carrier, city, country, ip_address, language, and platform. Use the provided TrackingOptions interface to customize and toggle individual fields. Before initializing the SDK with your apiKey, create a TrackingOptions instance with your configuration and set it on the SDK instance.

    1let trackingOptions = TrackingOptions()
    3let amplitude = Amplitude(
    4 configuration: Configuration(
    5 apiKey: AMPLITUDE_API_KEY,
    6 trackingOptions: trackingOptions
    7 )

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:AMPLITUDE_API_KEY];
    2[configuration.trackingOptions disableTrackCity];
    3[configuration.trackingOptions disableTrackIpAddress];
    4Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];

    Tracking for each field can be individually controlled, and has a corresponding method (for example, disableCountry, disableLanguage).

    Method Description
    disableTrackCarrier() Disable tracking of device's carrier
    disableTrackCity() Disable tracking of user's city
    disableTrackCountry() Disable tracking of user's country
    disableTrackDeviceModel() Disable tracking of device model
    disableTrackDeviceManufacturer() Disable tracking of device manufacturer
    disableTrackDMA() Disable tracking of user's designated market area (DMA)
    disableTrackIpAddress() Disable tracking of user's IP address
    disableTrackLanguage() Disable tracking of device's language
    disableTrackOsName() Disable tracking of device's OS Name
    disableTrackOsVersion() Disable tracking of device's OS Version
    disableTrackPlatform() Disable tracking of device's platform
    disableTrackRegion() Disable tracking of user's region
    disableTrackVersionName() Disable tracking of your app's version name


    Using TrackingOptions only prevents default properties from being tracked on newly created projects, where data has not yet been sent. If you have a project with existing data that you want to stop collecting the default properties for, get help in the Amplitude Community. Disabling tracking doesn't delete any existing data in your project.


    Amplitude determines the user's mobile carrier using CTTelephonyNetworkInfo, which returns the registered operator of the sim.

    COPPA control

    COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) restrictions on IDFA, IDFV, city, IP address and location tracking can all be enabled or disabled at one time. Apps that ask for information from children under 13 years of age must comply with COPPA.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(
    2 configuration: Configuration(
    3 apiKey: AMPLITUDE_API_KEY,
    4 enableCoppaControl: true
    5 )

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:AMPLITUDE_API_KEY];
    2configuration.enableCoppaControl = true;
    3Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];

    Advertiser ID

    Advertiser ID (also referred to as IDFA) is a unique identifier provided by the iOS and Google Play stores. As it's unique to every person and not just their devices, it's useful for mobile attribution.

    Mobile attribution is the attribution of an installation of a mobile app to its original source (such as ad campaign, app store search). Mobile apps need permission to ask for IDFA, and apps targeted to children can't track at all. Consider using IDFV, device ID, or an email login system when IDFA isn't available.

    To retrieve the IDFA and add it to the tracking events, you can follow this example plugin to implement your own plugin.

    Device ID lifecycle

    The SDK initializes the device ID in the following order, with the device ID being set to the first valid value encountered:

    1. Device ID of Amplitude instance if it’s set by setDeviceId()
    2. IDFV if it exists
    3. A randomly generated UUID string

    One user with multiple devices

    A single user may have multiple devices, each having a different device ID. To ensure coherence, set the user ID consistently across all these devices. Even though the device IDs differ, Amplitude can still merge them into a single Amplitude ID, thus identifying them as a unique user.

    Transfer to a new device

    It's possible for multiple devices to have the same device ID when a user switches to a new device. When transitioning to a new device, users often transfer their applications along with other relevant data. The specific transferred content may vary depending on the application. In general, it includes databases and file directories associated with the app. However, the exact items included depend on the app's design and the choices made by the developers. If databases or file directories have been backed up from one device to another, the device ID stored within them may still be present. Consequently, if the SDK attempts to retrieve it during initialization, different devices might end up using the same device ID.

    Get device ID

    Use the helper method getDeviceId() to get the value of the current deviceId.

    1let deviceId = amplitude.getDeviceId()

    1NSString* deviceId = [amplitude getDeviceId];

    To set the device, see custom device ID.

    Location tracking

    Amplitude converts the IP of a user event into a location (GeoIP lookup) by default. This information may be overridden by an app's own tracking solution or user data.

    Opt users out of tracking

    Users may wish to opt out of tracking entirely, which means Amplitude doesn't track any of their events or browsing history. OptOut provides a way to fulfill a user's requests for privacy.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(
    2 configuration: Configuration(
    3 apiKey: AMPLITUDE_API_KEY,
    4 optOut: true
    5 )

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:AMPLITUDE_API_KEY];
    2configuration.optOut = true;
    3Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];

    Set log callback

    Implements a customized loggerProvider class from the LoggerProvider, and pass it in the configuration during the initialization to help with collecting any error messages from the SDK in a production environment.

    1class SampleLogger: Logger {
    2 typealias LogLevel = LogLevelEnum
    4 var logLevel: Int
    6 init(logLevel: Int = LogLevelEnum.OFF.rawValue) {
    7 self.logLevel = logLevel
    8 }
    10 func error(message: String) {
    11 // TODO: handle error message
    12 }
    14 func warn(message: String) {
    15 // TODO: handle warn message
    16 }
    18 func log(message: String) {
    19 // TODO: handle log message
    20 }
    22 func debug(message: String) {
    23 // TODO: handle debug message
    24 }
    27let amplitude = Amplitude(
    28 configuration: Configuration(
    29 apiKey: AMPLITUDE_API_KEY,
    30 loggerProvider: SampleLogger()
    31 )

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:AMPLITUDE_API_KEY];
    2configuration.loggerProvider = ^(NSInteger logLevel, NSString* _Nonnull message) {
    3 switch(logLevel) {
    4 case AMPLogLevelERROR:
    5 // TODO: handle error message
    6 break;
    7 case AMPLogLevelWARN:
    8 // TODO: handle warn message
    9 break;
    10 case AMPLogLevelLOG:
    11 // TODO: handle log message
    12 break;
    13 case AMPLogLevelDEBUG:
    14 // TODO: handle debug message
    15 break;
    16 }
    18Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];


    iOS automatically protects application data by storing each apps data in its own secure directory. This directory is usually not accessible by other applications. However, if a device is jailbroken, apps are granted root access to all directories on the device.

    To prevent other apps from accessing your apps Amplitude data on a jailbroken device, Amplitude recommends setting a unique instance name for your SDK. This creates a unique database isolates it from other apps.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(
    2 configuration: Configuration(
    3 apiKey: "API-KEY",
    4 instanceName: "my-unqiue-instance-name"
    5 )

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:@"API-KEY"
    2 instanceName:@"my-unqiue-instance-name"];
    3Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude instanceWithConfiguration:configuration];

    Offline mode

    Beginning with version 1.3.0, the Amplitude iOS Swift SDK supports offline mode. The SDK checks network connectivity every time it tracks an event. If the device is connected to network, the SDK schedules a flush. If not, it saves the event to storage. The SDK also listens for changes in network connectivity and flushes all stored events when the device reconnects.

    To disable offline mode, add offline: NetworkConnectivityCheckerPlugin.Disabled on initialization as shown below.

    1let amplitude = Amplitude(
    2 configuration: Configuration(
    3 apiKey: "API-KEY",
    4 offline: NetworkConnectivityCheckerPlugin.Disabled
    5 )

    1AMPConfiguration* configuration = [AMPConfiguration initWithApiKey:AMPLITUDE_API_KEY];
    2configuration.offline = AMPNetworkConnectivityCheckerPlugin.Disabled;
    3Amplitude* amplitude = [Amplitude initWithConfiguration:configuration];

    You can also implement you own offline logic:

    1. Disable the default offline logic as above.
    2. Toggle amplitude.configuration.offline by yourself.

    Apple privacy manifest

    Starting December 8, 2020, Apple requires a privacy manifest file for all new apps and app updates. Apple expects to make this mandatory in the Spring of 2024. As Amplitude is a third-party to your app, you need to ensure you properly disclose to your users the ways you use Amplitude in regards to their data.

    Update the privacy manifest based on your app

    Amplitude sets privacy manifest based on a default configuration. Update the privacy manifest according to your configuration and your app.


    Tracking definition

    Tracking refers to the act of linking user or device data collected from your app with user or device data collected from other companies' apps, websites, or offline properties for targeted advertising or advertising measurement purposes. For more information, see Apple's article User privacy and data use.

    By default, Amplitude doesn't use data for tracking. Add this field and set it to true if your app does.


    Date type Linked to user Used for tracking Reason for collection Where it's tracked
    Product interaction Yes No Analytics Such as app launches, taps, clicks, scrolling information, music listening data, video views, saved place in a game, video, or song, or other information about how the user interacts with the app.
    Device ID Yes No Analytics Tracked by default. Learn more here
    Coarse Location Yes No Analytics Country, region, and city based on IP address. Amplitude doesn't collect them from device GPS or location features.

    By default the SDK tracks deviceId only. You can use setUserId() to track userId as well. To do so, add the "User ID" Data type. For more information about data types, see Apple's article Describing data use in privacy manifests.


    If you set NSPrivacyTracking to true then you need to provide at least one internet domain in NSPrivacyTrackingDomains based on your configuraiton.

    Domain Description The default HTTP V2 endpoint. EU endpoint if configuration.serverZone = EU. Batch endpoint if configuration.useBatch = true. Batch EU endpoint if configuration.useBatch = true and configuration.serverZone = EU.


    The SDK only uses userDefaults API for identity storage.

    Create your app's privacy report

    Follow the steps on how to create your app's privacy.

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    July 23rd, 2024

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